Ward A 

Jake Lopez 

Veronica Cordova  

Ward B 

Rustin Self 

Oscar Robinson 

Ward C 

Preston Elkins Eldon Merrick 

Ward D 

Dianne Parker Mike Rackler 

Portales City Council 

Memorial Building, Council Chambers 200 E 7th Street, 

Portales, New Mexico 88130 

REGULAR CITY COUNCIL  MEETING, FINAL VERSION City Council meetings are livestreamed  

via www.youtube.com/@citychannelportales8147 AGENDA, TUESDAY, June 25, 2024, 5:30 pm  

Mayor Michael Miller 

Mayor Pro Tem Veronica Cordova 




OFFICIAL SALUTE TO THE NEW MEXICO FLAG: “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico the Zia symbol of  perfect friendship among united cultures.” 

PUBLIC COMMENT: The Public has the opportunity to provide comment on subjects regarding City Business, during the  public comment period. Speaker’s comments will be limited to three (3) minutes unless the Mayor and/or Councilor(s) requests  more information. The time limit is given in an effort to allow public input but also to move the agenda forward in a prompt yet  efficient manner. All Speakers must sign in at the beginning of the Meeting. Topics are limited to six (6) speakers per topic. 


  1. Regular Meeting June 11, 2024 


  1. Department Head Monthly Presentation: Public Infrastructure—S. Chavez, Public Infrastructure Director.. 

CONSENT AGENDA (The consent agenda is approved by a single motion. Any member of council may request an item  to be transferred to the Regular Agenda from the Consent Agenda without discussion or vote): 

Approval of Recommendation for the Following Resolutions on the Consent Agenda. These Items are All P&Z Items.  They Were Unanimously Approved by the Planning and Zoning Committee: 

  1. Resolution No. PC-2024-2025-16, Replat 620 E. 1st St. for Building a New Apartment Building 2. Resolution No. PC-2024-2025-17, Zone Change at 324 S. Abilene Ave. From a D-3 (Downtown Life-Work   Zone) to a C-2 (General Commercial Zone). 
  2. Resolution No. PC-2024-2025-18, Variance at 1715 W. 17th Ln for Keeping a 6-foot-Tall Wooden Fence 4. Resolution No. PC-2024-2025-19, Variance for Variation of Construction Standards for Platted but   Undeveloped Portion of North Avenue R for Potential Building of Residence. 
  3. Resolution No. PC-2024-2025-20, Zone Change at 1320, 1500, 1700 S. Boston Ave. From an R-1 (Single   Family Residential Zone to an M-1 (Light Manufacturing Zone). 


MAYOR/COUNCIL: M. Miller, Mayor 

  1. Appointment to the Open Position on the Finance Committee. 
  2. Council Meeting Dates for the Month of July 2024: July 9, 2024, Conflicts with the “Cabinet to   Community” Event; July 23, 2024, Meeting, Finance Director, Liliana Rivera is Requesting We Move   This Meeting to July 30, 2024, to Allow Time to Complete the FY25 Final Budget and FY24 Budget   Adjustments. 
  3. Approval of Document Authorizing Mayor’s Signature on Transfer of Property, 100 W. 1st St.
  4. Memorandum of Understanding with ENMU Natatorium Facilities Effective May 27, 2024, Through   August 2, 2024. The City is to Hire and Train a Manager at the Expense of the City With Said Manager  to Hire and Train 12-15 Lifeguards. Tabled on May 28, 2024, Council Meeting. Returned and Discussed a   Second Time With No Action. Brought Back by Councilor Elkins. 


FINANCE: L. Rivera, Director 

  1. Approval of Resolution 2024-14 Acknowledging and Accepting Fiscal Year 2023 Audit. 2. Approval of Resolution 2024-16 111th Fiscal Year Governing Fixed Assets—Year Ending June 30, 2023. 

PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR: J. McVey, Public Infrastructure/Projects Administrator 

  1. Approval to Publish Solicitation for the All-Hazard Mitigation Assistance Request for Proposals  (RFP) Allowing for Proper Procurement Laws to be Followed in Selection of a Firm to Carry Out the   Scope of Work in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Awarded by the Homeland Security   Emergency Management Department. 

COMMUNITY SERVICES: K. McClellan, Director 

  1. Approval of Resolution 2024-15 an Emergency Abatement of the Building at 815 E 1st St. (Primitive  Baptist Church) Due to Structural Concerns. 
  2. Public Hearing for Amendment to Ordinance 676, Downtown Ordinance.  
  3. a) Action to Enter Into Public Hearing for the Adoption of Amendment to Ordinance 676. b) Action to Close the Public Hearing. 
  4. c) Action by Council on the Amendment to Ordinance 676, the Downtown Ordinance. 


EXECUTIVE SESSION – M. Miller, Mayor  

  1. Action to Convene in a Closed Meeting to Discuss Matters as Provided for under New Mexico  Statutes Relating to Limited Personnel Matters Re: Interim City Manager Position. 
  2. a) Action to Convene in Open Session.  
  3. b) Action as a result of the Closed Session. 


This is to certify that this Agenda was prepared within ten days after the last Council Meeting. The FINAL Draft version is available to  the public and council for review and will be sent out and posted on the City’s website and the bulletin board in front of the City Hall  Building before 5:00 p.m., Friday June 21, 2024.  

__________________________________________________________________________________  Danielle Swopes, City Clerk, or Melissa Carrillo, Deputy City Clerk 


If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or  service to attend or participate in a hearing or meeting, please contact the Portales City Manager or City Clerk at 575-356-6662, Option #0 at least  one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as practical. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various  accessible formats. Please contact the Portales City Manager or City Clerk at 575-356-6662 if a summary or other type of accessible format is  needed. Questions, requests, or comments from citizens should be submitted in writing to the City Clerk or City Manager by 4:00 p.m. a day prior  to the meeting. Contact information for both officers is on the City’s website: https://www.portalesnm.gov/departments/.