In honor of this loved freedom, and in support of our Sheriff’s Office, everyone is invited to the Roosevelt County 2nd Amendment Red Flag Gun Rally. It is extremely important that all who plan to attend are aware that this is a PEACEFUL rally, intended to show the State Government that “we as a County, and state, will not be tread upon,” (Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office).
The rally will be mimicking the one Virginia gun owners had earlier this month in protest of gun-control their state legislature was proposing. Demonstrators stood outside the State Capitol in Richmond, armed with their guns of choice, in a peaceful, pro-gun rally.
Images of armed individuals, who were protesting to keep their rights provided by the National Government in the Bill of Rights, circulated all over the internet on January 20, 2020.
The showing of thousands of pro-gun supporters in Virginia has given many other cities and states across the country the enthusiasm to host their own peaceful rallies.
Roosevelt County is joining in the movement.
As many of you are aware, our very own Sheriff’s Office, and others across the state, have made their stance known on the potential for stricter gun laws. Sheriff Malin Parker, along with the rest of the Sheriff’s Office, have stood their ground in support of the American right to bear arms.
To show the New Mexico legislature and the United States Government where Roosevelt County stands on gun control, the Sheriff’s Office is hosting a 2nd Amendment Red Flag Gun Rally on January 30, 2020. The peaceful protest will begin at 9:00 AM outside of the Roosevelt County Courthouse.
While the importance of safety is stressed, gun owners are encouraged to bring whatever arms they feel necessary to stress the importance of our freedoms. The more gun owners come, the more force the showing will be to New Mexico’s state legislation.
As United States Citizens and proud New Mexicans, “we will defend and uphold our constitutional rights to bear arms and defend our liberties set forth by the Constitution of the United States of America,” (Facebook event, Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Department).
If you are part of the pro-gun movement, you are asked to be present at this peaceful rally on January 30th at 9 AM, with arms in hand!
If you are a pro-gun supporter, please be sure to share this article and the Facebook Event (link below). Sheriff Parker requests everyone to spread the word so Roosevelt County can make a stance for our state.
If you’d like more information, or for questions, please visit the Roosevelt County 2nd Amendment Rally Event on Facebook.
NY is following suit. June 2nd Albany NY.