At most ages, not many of us can say we would choose to help others before ourselves.
Especially those under the age of 5.
But 4-year-old Kelsynn Thompson, daughter of Tiffany Kendrick, is one person who chooses to help those in need.
Thompson went with a family friend to visit her mother in a nursing home in Muleshoe, Texas. According to Kerri Smith, it was there that Thompson helped someone.
“There was a woman in a wheelchair there crying out. She kept on hitting the chair against the wall. Kelsynn saw this and took her baby up to the woman and handed it to her. The resident calmed down immediately. After a while, Kelsynn went up and took the baby back,” said Smith, the famiy friend who has helped Kelysnn with her ongoing project called Kelsynn Relovables.
Not many children would have been as courageous as Thompson in going up to a screaming resident and handing her the baby; most would have cried and ran away but not this 4-year-old.
This sparked an idea in Kelsynn and Smith. Kelsynn immediately went home and gathered her dolls and stuffed animals to donate. They reached out to friends on Facebook to give donations as well.
Thompson delivered 10 dolls, 15 stuffed animals and blankets to a Muleshoe nursing home.
“It has helped a lot with the residents. They have calmed down a lot. This was such a great idea,” said Chris Antillon, Social Services director of Park View Nursing Center in Muleshoe.
Kelsynn donated to Heartland Continuing Care Center in Portales at a later date.
“The residents here lover their babies. The women take their babies everywhere with them. They talk to them and even feed them. That little girl is a gift from God,” said Beverly Webb, activities director of Heartland.
These aren’t the only places the team plans on donating to. They are currently accepting donations for the next facility in Farwell, Texas. They also plan to donate to the BeeHive Homes in Portales.
To donate, visit the Facebook page Kelsynn Relovables or call Kerri Smith at 575-607-5147 or Tiffany Kendrick at 575-777-3526