Portales Rams 9-1 (4-0 District Champions)
FOOTBALL    Portales Rams vs. New Mexico Military Institute, 40-16
A strong offensive but sluggish defensive first half, the Rams came back on the field and tucked away the 4-4A district championship.  Offensively the Rams had possession of the ball three times and scored three times in the first half, but the defense could not hold the Colts and although the Rams were on top at half (20-16) they were plagued with penalties and mistakes.


Halftime adjustments proved successful as the Rams came back defensively strong and again the Ram offense scored each time they had possession of the ball.  The Colts had a couple of chances for a comeback in the second half but the Ram defense held strong despite the flying yellow flag.   Tyrese Dawson, Darion Ontiveros, Juan Espinosa, Junior Ramirez-2, and Marc Lovato scored for the Rams.

Seeding on Saturday night finds Robertson #1 and Portales #2.  This gives the Rams a first week bye and a home game against the winner of the Shiprock/Silver game the following week.