Based upon current health orders and guidance from the Public Education Department, the Governor, and NM Department of Health, elementary schools may open in a hybrid type the environment for the 2020-2021 school year after September 7. Junior high and high schools will phase in openings over the following weeks based upon PED and DOH gating criteria. Due to this directive, Portales Municipal Schools has made the decision to begin the elementary school year on September 8 . Students who choose to attend school in-person will be welcomed back on September 8 . Students who choose to begin the school year virtually have that option
(please see “Distance Attendance Summary” on the PMSD website.) Junior high and high school students will begin distance education on August 18th and will remain in the distance domain until PED allows for in-person education at those grade levels.

Although PMSD intends to begin the elementary school year as normal, should the rate of spread across New Mexico change, there is a possibility the Public Education Department may require schools to go to a Distance Education Plan. Should this occur, PMSD will move to a distance environment that will require students to attend school virtually as if they were in a school building. More information regarding the Distance Plan can be found on the District website.

Grades 1-6 will begin full time attendance on September 8, 2020. These students will attend in-person on Tuesday through Friday except the week of October 5 , in which students will attend Monday through Thursday due to the Fall break. Between August 14 students in grades PK-3 will be asked to meet with their teachers to complete assessments. Parents will be contacted by school personnel to make an appointment for their children to go to the school for the assessments. These assessments will assist teachers to prepare for the beginning of the school year and identify students who may need additional assistance due to the abrupt change to Distance Education in the past school year. Students will be required to wear a face covering while in the school buildings. For more information, please see the PMSD website.

Once school starts in September, Pre-K and Pre-School (3 year olds) will attend school two (2) full days each week. Approximately one-half of students will attend Tuesday and Wednesday and the other half will attend on Thursday and Friday. During the week of October 5 , Kindergarten students will attend Monday through Thursday,
while Pre-K and Pre-School will change to Monday/Tuesday and Wednesday/Thursday due to the fall break.
Once school begins in-person, students in grades 7 – 12 will attend school in a cohort model.

Approximately one-half of students will attend Tuesday and Wednesday and the other half will attend Thursday and Friday, except the week of October 5 , in which students will attend Monday through Thursday due to the Fall break. Students will attend Distance Learning coursework on the days they are not in school. Even though they are not in attendance at school, the expectation is that they attend on-line and complete all assignments as required. Students who do not have internet access or computer devices, will be loaned a Chromebook. A hotspot with internet access will also be provided to these students.
Grading of assignments and assessments will be completed and recorded as required by PMSD policy. No grades of Pass or Fail will be submitted to students