The NM Public Education Department requires each school district comply with eight minimum
requirements for reentry:

1. To begin, all districts and schools across the state will be able to operate strictly according to hybrid
guidelines. The Department of Health and Medical Advisory Team will regularly assess rates of the
spread of COVID-19. Districts and schools will then follow the appropriate guidelines based on the
designated safe reentry category.
2. Schools must participate in a surveillance and rapid response testing program for all staff.
3. Schools must adhere to the social distancing requirements of their designated category.
4. Schools should avoid large group gatherings.
5. Face coverings are required for all students and staff except while eating, drinking and exercising, with
limited exceptions for students or staff who have medical reasons for not being able to wear a mask or
face shield.
6. All staff must be screened on a daily basis, including a temperature check and review of potential
symptoms. All sites must work with state and local health officials to have a plan for contact tracing.
While not required, this is also recommended for students.
7. For transportation, all staff and students must wear face shields or masks. In addition:
a. A maximum of two students may sit together on a bus seat.
b. Schools in the yellow category should take all reasonable steps to limit bus seats to
one student to the best of their ability.
8. Meals must be provided to students during in-person instruction and remote learning.