(A) Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): 1. Regular Meeting held January 22, 2019. (B) Update of Activities of the Roosevelt Soil & Water Conservation District. (C) Requesting Authorization to Purchase a New PATs Vehicle on a State Purchasing Agreement Contingent upon Funding Agency Concurrence. (D) Request for Approval of the Special Use Permit to Operate a Church with a Daycare Center for Faith Christian Family Church. (E) Other Business/Citizens to be Heard.
THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORTALES met in regular session Tuesday, February 5, 2019, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Memorial Building, 200 E. 7th Street, Portales, NM in full conformity with the rules and regulations. Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order and asked City Clerk Martinez-Terry to call roll. Those present and constituting a quorum were:
MAYOR: Ronald L. Jackson
MAYOR PRO-TEM: Michael G. Miller (absent)
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Veronica A. Cordova Dianne Y. Parker Chadrick H. Heflin Oscar H. Robinson Jake J. Lopez Jessica J. Smith Michael James “Jim” Lucero
STAFF PRESENT: Sammy Standefer, City Manager Steve Doerr, City Attorney Joan Martinez-Terry, City Clerk Veda Urioste, Deputy City Clerk John DeSha, Public Works Dir. Christine A. Mitchell, I.T. Tech. Katherine Hall, PATs Coord. Carla Weems, Chief Proc. Officer Donna Rutherford, Planning Dir. Chris Williams, Police Lieutenant
OTHERS PRESENT: Jamie Cushman, Press Bill Hendrickson, RCCDC Exec. Dir. Dawn Privett, RSWCD Mike Cone, RSWCD Chelsea Garcia, FCFC Clovis Israel Garcia, FCFC Clovis Hadley Howe, FCFC Clovis Collin McAfee, FCFC Clovis Jason Swann, FCFC Clovis Roxanne Swann, FCFC Clovis Jocelyn Howe, FCFC Clovis Reanna Gunderson, FCFC Clovis Bailey Alexander (Smith) FCFC Clovis Mayor Jackson asked Councilor Cordova to give the invocation and Mayor Jackson led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Salute to the New Mexico flag.

(A) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S): 1. Regular Meeting held January 22, 2019.
Mayor Jackson asked the Council to consider the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 22, 2019. He asked for comments or corrections. City Clerk Martinez-Terry requested a correction to the minutes showing that Carla Weems was not present at the meeting of January 22, 2019. Mayor Jackson asked the pleasure of the Council. Councilor Parker made the motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 22, 2019 with the removal of Carla Weems from attendance under the staff present . Council or Heflin s econded the motion. All Council members present voted in favor of the motion. No abstentions. Motion carried.
Minutes of February 5, 2019

Mayor Jackson invited Mike Cone to give the update of activities of the Roosevelt Soil & Water Conservation District (RSWCD). Mr. Cone told the Council that he is the Chairman of the RSWCD and that it had been formed back in the dustbowl days. He told them that their offices are on the base highway. He commented that the RSWCD had made presentations to the County Commissioners and that the board thought it would be a good time to meet with the City Council. Dawn Privett handed out information to the Council. Mr. Cone handed out a black ball to the Council. He told them that a study of stock tanks had been done to measure water evaporation. He talked about the information in the flyer handed out was information about the water conservation with the black balls in a stock tank—2600 gallons worth of evaporation with the balls in the tank. He stated that there was 10,000 gallons of water evaporated without the black balls. Mr. Cone said that the RSWCD was surprised at the savings in water. He told the Council that the balls have ballast inside them and that a side effect is that ice doesn’t build up in the tanks. This saves labor for the ranchers and water quality is much better. He commented that tumbleweeds don’t gather up in the water tanks either. In other activities, the RSWCD has started a wheat management organization that targets noxious weeds. The African root is one weed that is particularly toxic to cattle. He commented that it will kill cattle and is mostly found in the southern part of the state even though some has been found in Roswell. He said that it is a hard weed to kill. Mike Cone told the Council that in addition to these two things, the RSWCD is into weather modification otherwise called cloud seeding. He commented that there was money for weather modification back in the ‘90s. He stated that there had been a bill for funding in the last two years, but that it could not get across the Governor’s desk. He asked the Council for support of HB460 funding for cloud seeding for a statewide program, which is for $1.2 million for about 60% of the state. He commented that cloud seeding has been controversial, but not so much now. He stated that it could increase rainfall by 10 to 20%. He explained how rain is made and encouraged the Council to support HB460. He ended his report by stating that the RSWCD also sells trees and asked for questions. Mayor Jackson thanked Mr. Cone for his report.

Mayor Jackson asked Carla Weems and Katherine Hall to present the request to purchase a new PATs vehicle on a state purchasing agreement contingent upon funding agency concurrence. Carla Weems told the Council that the City had received a grant from NMDOT to buy a 2019 Braun van. She reported that the van has seating for up to five (5) passengers and one (1) wheel chair tie-down area. The total cost of the vehicle is $46,285.07 with the Federal amount of $37,028.00 and the local match of $9,258.00. She reported that all expenses for the van are budgeted. City Manager Standefer stated that the purchase is contingent upon state agency concurrence. Mayor Jackson asked the pleasure of the Council. Councilor Lucero made the motio n to authorize the purchase of the new Pat’s vehicle through the state purchasing agreement contingent upon funding agency concurrence. Councilor Parker seconded the motion. All Council members present voted in favor of the motion. No abstentions. Moti on carried.

Mayor Jackson asked Planning Director Donna Rutherford to present the request for approval of a Special Use Permit to operate a church with a daycare center for the Faith Christian Family Church. Ms. Rutherford told the Council that Faith Christian Family Church submitted the application for a Church with a daycare center for the property located at 820 W. 18th Street. She stated that the property is located in a C-1
Minutes of February 5, 2019
Neighborhood Commercial zone that does allow for a church and daycare with the approval of a Special Use Permit FCFC submitted an application for a special use permit. She told the Council that the Planning Commission had held a public hearing on January 28, 2019 and that they had approved the application by a vote of five (5) in favor and zero (0) opposed. She stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of this application to the Council. Mayor Jackson asked the pleasure of the Council. Councilor Smith made the motion to approve the Special Use Permit for a Church and daycare for Faith Christian Family Church. Councilor Robinson seconded the motion. All Council members present vot ed in favor of the motion. No abstentions. Motion carried. Councilor Parker asked for a timeline for construction. XXX stated that construction would begin in June 2019 and targeted to finish by April 2020.
Mayor Jackson asked for items of other business for any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. Public comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. Individuals will be limited to one (1) presentation per meeting, and there will be a maximum of six (6) speakers on each subject. To avoid any possible violation of the Open Meetings act, Councilors will not respond to comments or answer any questions. Questions or requests for information in writing should be directed to the City Manager during regular business hours.
Mayor Jackson asked for comments from the audience, Council and staff.
City Manager asked that the Council keep city staff and especially the fire department in their prayers at the loss of Scotty Watson, Firefighter/EMT.
Mayor thanked the Councilors for attending the legislative reception in Santa Fe. He stated that the City had a great presentation for capital outlay. He said it was nice to have a good representation.

There being no further business, Mayor Jackson adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.