(A) Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): 1. Regular Meeting May 5, 2020. (B) Ratification of Finance Department’s Actions on the Bills for April 2020. (C) Award of Bid for City of Portales Water System Improvements Johnson Hill East Tank WTB-344 & WTB-4821 ITB#2020-03-05. (D) Request for Re-Appointment to the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority (ENMWUA).
IV. Any question or comment from citizens may be submitted in writing to the City Clerk or City Manager before or after the meeting. Contact information for both are on the city’s website: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORTALES met in regular session in a Zoom Meeting held to best protect the health of the public and employees due to the Covid-19 restrictions on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., with Mayor Jackson and limited staff in the Council Chambers of the Memorial Building, 200 E. 7th Street, Portales, NM in full conformity with the rules and regulations. Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order and called roll in the absence of the City Clerk.
Those Councilors present and constituting a quorum telephonically were:
MAYOR: Ronald L. Jackson (present in person)
Mayor Pro-Tem and Councilors were present telephonically.
MAYOR PRO-TEM: Michael G. Miller
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Daniel W. Boan (absent) Michael James “Jim” Lucero Veronica A. Cordova Dianne Y. Parker Chadrick H. Heflin (absent) Oscar H. Robinson Jake J. Lopez
STAFF PRESENT IN PERSON: Sammy Standefer, City Manager
STAFF PRESENT TELEPHONICALLY: Marilyn Rapp, Finance Director Veda Urioste, Deputy City Clerk John DeSha, Public Works Dir. Christine A. Mitchell, I.T. Tech. Donna Rutherford, Planning Dir. (A) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S): 1. Regular Meeting held May 5, 2020.
Mayor Jackson asked the Council to consider the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 2020. He asked for comments or corrections. Mayor Jackson asked the pleasure of the Council. Councilor Lucero made the motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 5, 20 20 as presented . Councilor Parker seconded the motion. Mayor Jackson called for a vote by roll call of the Council in the absence of the City Clerk. Roll call vote by a ll Council members resulted in unan imous support of the motion . No abstentions. Motion carried.

Mayor Jackson asked Marilyn Rapp, Treasurer, to acknowledge her attendance at this Zoom meeting of the Council. Mayor Jackson read the item into the record as “Ratification of Finance Department’s Actions on the Bills for April 2020.” (The amount of the bills for April is $1,215,061.63.) He asked for questions from the Council. There were no questions tendered.

May 2020 Pooled Cash Fund 999 1,215,061.63
Mayor Jackson asked the pleasure of the Council. Mayor Pro – Tem Miller made the motion to approve the bills for April 2020 as presented. C ouncilor Parker seconded the motion. Mayor Jackson called for a vote by roll call of the Council in the absence of the City Clerk.

Roll call vote by a ll Council members resulted in unanimous support of the motion . No abstentions. Motion carried.

Mayor Jackson read the agenda item into the record as “Award of Bid for City of Portales Water System Improvements at the Johnson Hill East Tank WTB-344 and WTB-4821 ITB#2020-03-05.” He asked for questions from the Council and asked Public Works Director John DeSha for any comments. Mr. DeSha said that he was anxious to finish the project. Mayor Jackson asked the pleasure of the Council. Councilor Parker made the motion to approve the award of bid [to Smithco Construction, Inc. for the amount $1,344,560.00 plus NMGRT of $110,085.00 for a total bid amount of $1,454,645.85] for the City of Portales Water System Improvements for Johnson Hill East Tank WTB-344 and WTB-4821 ITB#2020-03-05 as presented. Councilor Cordova seconded the motion. Mayor Jackson called for a vote by roll call of the Council in the absence of the City Clerk.

Roll call vote by a ll Council members resulted in unan imous suppor t of the motion . No abstentions. Motion carried.

Mayor Jackson told the Council that his term on the Board of the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority (ENMWUA) is up and that with the Council’s blessings he would be willing to serve for another 2-year term. He asked for approval by the Council. Mayor Jackson asked the pleasure of the Council. Mayor Pro – Tem Miller made the motion to re – appoint Mayor Jackson to the 2 – year term on the Board of the ENMWUA . Councilor Cordova seconded the motion . Councilor Robinson was acknowledged as having arrived at the Zoom meeting by Mayor Jackson at this time in the minutes. Mayor Jackson called for a vote by roll call of the Council in the absence of the City Clerk. Roll call vote by a ll Council members resulted in unan imous support of t he motion . No abstentions. Motion carried.

IV. Any question or comment from citizens may be submitted in writing to the City Clerk or City Manager before or after the meeting. Contact information for both are on the city’s website:

Mayor Jackson declared that any question or comment from citizens may be submitted in writing to the City Clerk or City Manager before or after the meeting. Contact information for both are on the city’s website:

Mayor Jackson read a letter submitted into the record for the Council:
“ Dear Portales City Council Members,
I am writing on behalf of a group of concerned Portales residents. While citizens have been in lockdown over the past several weeks d ue to coronavirus concerns, many of us have noticed that there have been new LED street lights installed every few hundred feet all over town. None of us can recall voting on such a citywide installment, nor hearing a bout it in any other manner. It is concerning to us that this has happened seemingly without the consent of the residents of Portales.
Upon researching these LED streetlights, several concerns have been raised about the health and safety of these lights. Researchers have found that they may lead to a decrease in fertility as well as a significant increase in cancer risk. In light of these concerns, we ask that you formally notify the citizens of Portales of these risks and invite open public discussion about the possible health risks. In addition, we ask that you provide further information about why these lights were installed, who installed them, and if any money was received by the city to allow a possibly dangerous installation to occur .
We look forward to your response.
Thank you .”

City Manager Standefer told the Mayor and Council that the letter would be acknowledged and that he would investigate the complaint and bring the information pertaining to that back to the Council.

Mayor Jackson encouraged everyone to persevere adding that that we are almost back to our in-person meetings. He praised everyone for doing a great job.

Mayor Jackson told the Council that the applications for LEDA grants are in the process and that staff will bring an update to the June 2nd Council meeting. He commented that he looked forward to helping some of the small businesses get Covid-19 Relief. He added that he appreciates everyone’s actions during the Covid19 restrictions even though there has been a spike in the numbers of those positive for the virus. He commented that he wants to have the statistics showing those who have recovered in the County from the Department of Health. He thanked everyone for staying as safe as possible. Mayor Jackson asked the Council for comments or questions.

There being no further business, Mayor Jackson adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m.