6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 3, 2022, in the Council Chambers, at 200 E. 7th Street, Portales, New Mexico.
Face masks optional for the safety of attendees upon the lifting of Governor Lujan-Grisham’s mask
mandate. Questions, requests, or comments from citizens should be submitted in writing to the City Clerk or
City Manager by 4:00 p.m. a day prior to the meeting. Contact information for both officers is on the City’s
website: The following item(s) is/are scheduled for consideration
and action by the City Council:
I. Call to Order – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.
II. Roll Call – City Clerk.
III. Invocation.
IV. Pledge of Allegiance.
V. Official Salute to the New Mexico Flag: “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico the Zia symbol
of perfect friendship among united cultures.”

VI. Scheduled Business — Discussion & Action – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.
(A) Minutes of Previous Meeting(s):
1. Regular Meeting held April 19, 2022.
(B) Portales Fire Department Recognition of Meritorious Awards – Lieutenant Artie
James and Firefighter Zant Zamora – T.J. Cathey, Fire Chief.
(C) Proclamations for the Month of May 2022: R. Jackson, Mayor.
1. Declaring “May 15 – 21 2022 as Emergency Medical Services Week” with
the theme, EMS: Rising to the Challenge.
2. Declaring “May 15 – 21 2022 as Public Works Week in the City of
3. Declaring “May 11 – 17, 2022 as Police Week and May 15th as Peace
Officers Memorial Day.”
(D) Item(s) from the Planning Commission: K. McClellan, Planning Administrator.
1. Resolution #21-22-50, Declaring 700 W. 18th St a dangerous property found to be
covered with ruins, rubbish, wreckage, or debris. Legal Description: Subd: LEACH
Block: 23 Lot: 36, E 7″ OF LOT 35 08/04/00 BK 70 PG 56 WD 10/25/88 BK 155 PG
220 of City of Portales, Roosevelt County, New Mexico.
2. Recommendation for Special Use Permit approving the manufacturing and
producing of Cannabis in a D-2 (Downtown) Zone at 105 N Abilene submitted by
Tyson Lewis; Legal Description: Subd: PORTALES (ORIGINAL) Block: 10 LOT 10 &
Council Agenda May 3, 2022, continued 2
NW 25′ LOT 11 04/01/97 BK 40 PG169 WD, Roosevelt County, Portales, NM see
Resolution NO.PC-2021-2022-13.
3. Recommendation for Replat of 1028 W. Community Way submitted by Billie
Neece; Legal Description: Subd: CROSBY Block: 1 TRK BEG SW COR LOT 2 NWLY
197.9NELY 172′,SELY 197.9′,SWLY 172’POB 04/11/91 BK 160 PG 39, Portales,
Roosevelt County, New Mexico (see Resolution NO.PC-2021-2022-14).
(E) Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 757, An Ordinance Providing for the Annexation to the
City of Portales, a Tract of Land Addressed at 1520 S Industrial Dr: Legal Description: S: 33
T: 1S R: 34E NE/4SE/4SE/4 (less Trk 675.3 N of SW Cor), as Indicated in the Survey
Plat to be known as K&S Subdivision Tract One – R. Jackson, Mayor.
1. Action to enter into Public Hearing to receive comments on the ordinance.
2. Action to close the public hearing.
3. Action as a result of the public hearing.
(F) Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 758, An Ordinance Providing for the Annexation to the
City of Portales, A Tract of Land Addressed at 1600 S Industrial Dr: Legal Description: S: 33
T: 1S R: 34E NE/4SE/4SE/4 (less Trk 675.3 N of SW Cor) as indicated in the Survey Plat to
be known as K&S Subdivision Tract Two – R. Jackson, Mayor.
1. Action to enter into public hearing to receive comments on the ordinance.
2. Action to close the public hearing.
3. Action as a result of the public hearing.
(G)Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 759, Ordinance No. 759, Amendment to City of
Portales Ordinance No. 755, An Ordinance Modifying City of Portales Ordinance No.
752 Regulating the Time, Place and Manner of Cannabis Sales, Manufacture and
Consumption – R. Jackson, Mayor.
1. Action to enter into public hearing to receive comments on the ordinance.
2. Action to close the public hearing.
3. Action as a result of the public hearing.
(H) Approval of Mayor’s Signature on NMDOT-Aviation Division Grant No. PRZ-22-02 and
Local Match Commitment for Airport Apron Pavement Preservation – S. Baysinger, PW
Project Administrator/K. McClellan, Planning Administrator.
(I) Approval of Amendment 8 for Professional Services for Environmental Compliance and
Monitoring Engineering Services – J. DeSha, Public Works Director/C. Weems, Deputy City
(J) Requesting Permission to Purchase a New Caterpillar Model 420 Backhoe with
Hammer Attachment on a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement – J. DeSha, Public Works
Director/C. Weems, Deputy City Clerk.
(K) Approval of Renewal of the Franchise Agreement with Comcast of Florida/ Michigan/
New Mexico/Pennsylvania/Washington, LLC – S. Austin, City Manager.
(L) Resolution #21-22-51, Participation in Local Government Road Fund Program
Administered by New Mexico Department of Transportation for Municipal Arterial
Program (MAP) Cooperative Agreement Second Amendment L200515 – D18710/2 – J.
DeSha, Public Works Director.
Council Agenda May 3, 2022, continued 3
(M) Request to Reschedule the 2nd Council Meeting in May from May 17, 2022 to May 24,
2022 – S. Austin, City Manager.
(N) Public Input for Which no Action will be taken – Any matter not known about, or which could not
have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. This agenda item is for
informational purposes only
1. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per speaker.
2. Individuals will be limited to one presentation per meeting, and there will be
a maximum of six (6) speakers on each subject.
3. Councilors will not respond to comments or answer questions to avoid any
possible violation of the Open Meetings Act
4. Questions or requests for information should be directed to the City Manager
in writing during regular business hours.
IV. Adjournment.
This is to certify that a copy of this Agenda was posted on City’s website and the bulletin board in the front
lobby of City Hall by 10:00 a.m., Friday, April 29, 2022.
Joan Martinez-Terry, City Clerk
Mayor: Ronald L. Jackson At-Large
Mayor Pro-Tem: Michael G. Miller Ward C
Councilors: Daniel W. Boan Ward B Michael James “Jim” Lucero Ward D
Veronica A. Cordova Ward A Dianne Y. Parker Ward D
Chadrick Heath Heflin Ward C Oscar H. Robinson Ward B
Jake J. Lopez Ward A
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any
other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Planning
Administrator at (575) 356-8449 Opt. 2 or at p& at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon
as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please
contact the Office of the City Clerk