THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE PORTALES CITY COUNCIL, which will be held starting at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 1 , 2019 , at the Memorial Building Council Chambers, 200 E. 7th Street, Portales, New Mexico. The following item(s) is/are scheduled for consideration and action by the City Council:

I. Call to Order – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.

II. Roll Call – City Clerk.

III. Invocation

IV. Pledge of Allegiance.
V. Official Salute to the New Mexico Flag: “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.” VI. Scheduled Business — Discussion & Action – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.

(A) Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): 1. Regular Meeting held September 17, 2019.
(B) Proclamation declaring “October 6th – 12th, 2019 as Fire Prevention Week in Portales, New Mexico” – R. Jackson, Mayor.
(C) Proclamation declaring the “Month of October 2019 as Manufacturing Month in Portales, New Mexico” – R. Jackson, Mayor.
(D) Approval of Change Order No. 9, Johnson Hill Water Tank Improvements Contingent upon Funding Agency Concurrence – J. DeSha, Public Works Director.
(E) Request to Ratify Release of Request for Proposal (RFP) for Kilgore Construction Project & Authorization to Negotiate with Successful Proposer – J. DeSha, Public Works Director. (F) Resolution # 19-20-13, Authorizing the Mayor’s Signature on Litter and Beautification Grant – V. Urioste, Deputy City Clerk.
(G) Resolution #19-20-14, A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract for Construction of a Fire Substation Conditional upon Legal Concurrence – S. Standefer, City Manager.
(H) Request to Approve Summary Subdivision in the County, Tisthammer Subdivision Unit #3, submitted by Aaron and Russell Tisthammer – D. Rutherford, Planning Director.

Council Agenda September 17, 2019
I) Request to Approve a Variance for Encroachment into Required Front Yard Setbacks in an R-1 Residential Zone at 105 Oklahoma Drive submitted by Jace Bulls – D. Rutherford, Planning Director.
(J) Other Business/Citizens to be Heard – Any Matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. A public body shall only take action on items appearing on the agenda:

• Public comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. • Individuals will be limited to one (1) presentation per meeting, and there will be a maximum of six (6) speakers on each subject. • Councilors will not respond to comments or answer any questions to avoid any possible violation of the Open Meetings Act. • Questions or requests for information should be directed to the City Manager in writing during regular business hours.

VII. Adjournment.

This is to certify that a copy of this Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in the front lobby of City Hall by