On Wednesday, February 10, the Piñon Post, New Mexico’s leading independent news outlet on the right, launched a petition calling for Rep. Phelps Anderson (DTS-Chaves, Lea & Roosevelt) to resign after he voted for abortion up-to-birth and infanticide House Bill 7.
Anderson represents Roswell, a “sanctuary city for the unborn.” The city affirmed that “the protection of all human life is important to the people of the City of Roswell.”
After massive backlash from his home district and across the state following his vote, he left the Republican Party in disgrace to become an Independent.
But the people of the great 66th District did not elect an Independent—they elected someone they thought was a Republican. They also thought they were electing a pro-life representative, but now they are left without any representation at all.
With his renunciation of the GOP, his almost certain loss of committee assignments, and no major party willing to caucus with him, his presence in Santa Fe is absolutely worthless,” said Piñon Post founder and editor John Block.
But despite all this, Rep. Anderson is refusing to resign, telling reporters, “Resignation is not a choice for me.”
Rep. Anderson’s refusal to let his district send a suitable replacement to the Legislature means folks in District 66 could be without representation in the House for nearly two years if Anderson does not resign. The District’s voters made it crystal clear that they stand up for human life in the womb. Rep. Anderson abandoned the most vulnerable during their time of need, and he must resign,” added Block.