The opportunity is incredible for any community. HGTV, the popular renovation TV channel, is seeking a small town that needs a Main St. facelift, business renovations and more! They’re specifically seeking a town of 40,000 or less.
Portales has plenty of historic buildings in need of repair. And HGTV’s “Home Town” co-hosts, Ben and Erin Napier are in search of a hometown just like Portales to revitalize.
With much success on their current series, and having breathed new life into their hometown, Erin and Ben are ready to expand their horizons beyond Laurel and take their trademark inspiration, dedication and expertise to other small towns as well.
“Renovating one house at a time is an awesome experience. But the chance to support an entire town, where we help bring a community back to life — that’s something we’ve always wanted to try.”
Ben Napier
A group of citizens, concerned about promoting Portales, met last night at the Chamber of Commerce to discuss how Portales could enter in the HGTV makeover contest.
The Roosevelt County Community Development and Chamber of Commerce are helping to serve by offering meeting places and organizing the communication between volunteer groups.
The Portales High School Media Arts Team will work with a group of volunteers from KENW to produce the video/photographic entry. Our video will feature numerous buildings and areas that could use some love in Portales as well as testimonials from residents on why they love Portales and why HGTV should pick Portales for a Makeover!
According to the HGTV website, “Applicants should strive to highlight aspects of their town that make it special, fascinating, historic or unique — including distinctive features like vintage period architecture, special destinations or a classic Main Street.”
The town chosen will be featured on the couple’s new upcoming series, “Home Town Takeover,” that is scheduled as a 6-episode special to air in 2021.
If you would like to help out or have suggestions, please call Bill Hendrickson at 575-356-8541.
We Are In It To Win It!