The Ninth Judicial District Court is advising people not to be deceived by a jury duty scam that is happening in our area. The scam involves an individual who claims to be a law enforcement official calling a member of the public alleging they failed to report for jury service and indicating they are responsible for paying specific fines. During the calls, detailed instructions are given on how to proceed with paying the fines. The threat of a warrant being issued for their arrest may be used to coerce those called into providing confidential data and/or financial information. These calls are not from real court officials. The Ninth Judicial District Court does not require anyone to provide any sensitive information or financial information in a telephone call.

Most contact between the District Court and a prospective juror will be through the U.S. Mail. Any phone contact from Ninth Judicial District Court officials will not include requests for social security numbers, credit card numbers or any other sensitive information.

Persons receiving a scam telephone call should not provide the requested information and should notify local law enforcement officials.

