In addition to the information provided below, each unit on campus has designed more detailed plans to adjust operations, schedules and protocols for the coming academic year.

If you have questions about the information listed on this page, please contact any office or area directly using our University Directory. You can also ask about campus operations with the COVID-19 Q&A Form.

Phase Two Information for Faculty and Staff – July 2020

Academic Affairs


Summer 2020

  • 100% online

Fall 2020

  • Delivery mode for all classes finalized and implemented.
  • Courses will be designed for traditional face-to-face (reduced), hybrid and online delivery.
  • Priority for in person courses will be for those classes requiring a student’s physical presence in the classroom to meet course requirements (e.g., labs, studios, etc.)
  • All courses will be designed for online or alternative delivery from the start of the semester, regardless of mode of delivery.
  • Traditional in-person classes will promote opportunities for social distancing by reducing classroom occupancy to 50% or less.
  • Attendance policies for in-person courses will be revised to facilitate students staying home when they are not feeling well.
  • Cleaning protocols for instructional spaces offices established.

Accessibility Resources and Testing Center

  • Office is closed to the public.
  • Online appointments are available.
  • All NMDA exams will be postponed until August or until state guidelines allow for out-of-state testers.
  • Any student needing accommodations for COVID-related issues should contact Accessibility Resources and Testing Center.


ENMU Campus Bookstore building is closed to visitors from July 1 through July 20. Online services are available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Date Time
July 20 Closed
July 21 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 22 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 23 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 24 Closed
July 25 Closed
July 26 Closed
July 27 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 28 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 29 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 30 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Safety protocols to allow for contactless pickup wherever possible.
  • One register will be removed from cash wrap; sneeze guards will be installed.

Dining Services

Crossroads Café Dining Hall

  • Remains open during its current break/emergency hours for take-out only.
  • Only five ENMU students, faculty or staff (with valid ENMU ID) can be in the Dining Hall at any given time.
  • Patrons and employees are advised to practice appropriate social distancing.
  • Seating will be reconfigured for social distancing requirements and 50% max. capacity
  • Schedule for staggered eating times to assure lower capacity and allow for sanitation between meals will be established.
  • Protocols for take-out meals established.
  • Dining hall hours available online at Sodexo My Way website along with menu and contact information.

Other Dining Establishments

  • Einstein’s, Zime and other dining areas on campus are closed.

Housing and Residence Life

Housing Office

  • Workers wear masks when assisting customers.
  • One chair per work station. Single customer at each work station. One parent permitted if the customer is a student and the student is aOne parent permitted if the customer is a student and the student is aminor.
  • General inquires direct to the website, if possible.
  • Sign outside to call for non-emergent questions.
  • Removal of waiting area.
  • Two workers in at a time.

Golden Student Success Center (GSSC)

July 1 through July 14

  • Facility is closed to the public.
  • Online library services available including online reference, using email to share digital materials requested; curbside service for materials in our own collection/ILL materials that have come in mail, and materials returned in drop box outside entrance on S Ave K. See online Library services >
  • Limited face-to-face access for printing or other services is available to students for Golden Library resources.
  • Tutoring services are provided online.
  • Distance Learning support for students is provided online.


  • Employees will disinfect/decontaminate work surfaces throughout the day and practicing appropriate best practices for reducing viral transmission (e.g., handwashing, etc.)

July 15 through July 31

Beginning July 15, the GSSC will reopen with limited hours (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) for students and employees (no community access) with the following mitigation strategies in place.

Building Entry and Exit

  • Access will be limited to the doors on the side facing S Ave K (east side).
  • Health screenings (including temperature check) will be conducted before patrons are permitted access to the GSSC. Those with a temperature reading above 100.4 degrees will be denied entry.


  • Group study rooms will be limited to use by two individuals, and signs on each door will reflect this.
  • Locker rentals are not available at this time.
  • Assigned student workspaces are not available at this time.
  • Test Proctoring: Tests must be scheduled ahead of time and the number of synchronous tests will be limited by social distancing requirements in the test-proctoring space. There will be hand sanitizer and disinfectant in the room to sanitize equipment before and after use.
  • Computer Lab: Computers from the GSSC computer lab will be distributed throughout the facility to enable distancing and safe use, and equipment will be sanitized between user sessions. Computers will be set up in the following manner to meet social distancing requirements:
    • Nine computers in the lab area (next to Media Services).
    • 15 computers in the Presentation Area.
    • Two computers along the outside walls.
    • Three computers will be available on bar height tables (one on each table)
    • Two computers upstairs to complete a fourth computer pod (x-shaped desks). Plexiglass will be installed in this area so all four seats in the computer pod can be used at the same time.

General Guidelines

  • Hand sanitizer, sanitation supplies, plexiglass, and tape-marked social distancing indicators will be in place as appropriate, including one-way aisle traffic wherever possible.
  • Shared equipment is thoroughly cleaned after each use – disinfectant available for individual use in these locations.
  • Furniture and seating will be rearranged to maximize social distance and reduce casual contact between users.
  • Frequently used hard surfaces will be sanitized at least every two hours throughout the day, including doors and other areas where interactions occur including the Hound Hub, the Reference Desk and the Circulation Desk.
  • All returned physical materials (such as books or periodicals) will not be re-shelved or processed by staff for a minimum of 24 hours.


  • Interactions at locations like the Hound Hub and circulation desk will be conducted through plexiglass shields.

Human Resources

  • Services will be available via phone or email,
  • Student clearance to work will be processed via email.
  • All payroll checks are mailed, no check pick-up is available.

Daily Self Assessment Requirement

  • Each day employees come to campus for work, they must submit the COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment form at This form must be submitted prior to entering an instructional space or engaging with others on campus. Some areas have a different type of forms. Ask your department chair or college dean if you have questions about the daily symptom assessment requirement.Each day employees come to campus for work, they must submit the COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment form at This form must be submitted prior to entering an instructional space or engaging with others on campus. Some areas have a different type of forms. Ask your department chair or college dean if you have questions about the daily symptom assessment requirement.

Physical Plant

  • Hand sanitizer dispensers will be placed throughout campus, including the residence halls and other auxiliary locations.
  • Currently performing preventative maintenance and filter changes on all air flow units prior to reopening campus. Air system maintenance and upkeep will be a high priority through the summer and next year.
  • Installing plexiglass barriers for areas on campus as needed.


June 1 – July 5

  • Continue current operations/protocols for use of research facilities.
  • Access to research facilities is requested and approved through the AVP for Research/Graduate dean based on the essential nature of the research activity, and coordinated through the designated building point of contact to limit building occupancy throughout the day.
  • Approved access to research facilities is limited to mission critical needs for instructional continuity, maintenance of equipment, maintenance/propagation of living organisms, critical contract/grant deadlines and deliverables, and time sensitive research needs for current projects.
  • Research requiring travel (field work) is evaluated by the AVP for Research/Graduate Dean and the travel approved through the VPAA. If the travel is out-of-state or >120 miles from campus, researchers must submit the travel form through HR for approval to return on campus (if needed to complete research efforts.)

July 6 – July 31

  • Use of research facilities will expand to include early-stage researchers and a limited number of student researchers. However, current operations/protocols will continue to limit occupancy in research facilities.
  • Access to research facilities is requested and approved through the AVP for Research/Graduate Dean based on the nature of the research activity.
  • Approved access to research facilities is limited to needs for instructional continuity, maintenance of equipment, maintenance/propagation of living organisms, critical contract/grant deadlines and deliverables, time sensitive research needs for current projects, early-stage researchers/scholars, graduate students who are near completion of their thesis, and undergraduate students essential to completing projects where access has been approved for the principal investigator. Student access to the research facility must be requested through the faculty member supervising the research project.
  • Training and clear expectations will be provided to employees as they return to work. All employees will adhere to requirements for daily health screening, social distancing requirements and use of face coverings while in research buildings and facilities. The supervising faculty member will be responsible for ensuring that students working in the facility receive training and adhere to all requirements for the use of the facility.
  • Lab occupancy is limited to only those persons that have been approved to access the research facility and who are necessary to conduct the research. Maximum density should be kept to less than 1 person per 100 sq. ft., with no more than 1 person per laboratory bench, hood, glove box, biosafety cabinet, etc., at any time.
  • All research personnel will adhere to mandatory hygiene procedures in research locations/facilities, including:
    • All personnel are required to wear face coverings (i.e., use of a material to cover the nose and mouth) in shared spaces, including laboratories, when more than one person is present;
    • Cleaning/disinfecting high-touch locations and equipment in shared spaces before and after use.
    • Cleaning of all door and cabinet handles, bench surfaces, keyboards, instrument control panels, etc. at the beginning and end of the day, or, if researchers are working in shifts, at the beginning and end of every shift;
    • All shared equipment, including computer keyboards and tables should have all user interface surfaces cleaned between every user;
    • Other “high touch” items such as hand tools, micro-pipettes, faucet handles, chemical and spray bottles, chair backs and arm rests, pens and whiteboard markers should be cleaned between users;
    • Cleaning should be with an EPA-approved disinfectant that is effective against COVID-19 in addition to the other biohazardous agents that may be in use. A list can be found on the EPA’s website.  Pay attention to disinfectant contact times; most disinfectants do not work on contact.  Ethyl alcohol, with a contact time of one minute, is an affordable option
    • Using appropriate PPE when using disinfectants/cleaning, including eye protection and chemical compatible impervious gloves.
  • Research requiring travel (field work) is evaluated by the AVP for Research/Graduate Dean and the travel approved through the VPAA. If the travel is out-of-state or >120 miles from campus, researchers must submit the travel form through HR for approval to return on campus (if needed to complete research efforts.)