Hi! My name is Murphy. I am a 4–6-year-old male corgi/cattle dog mix. The humans who come and admire and feed me every day don’t know where I originally came from. I would tell them myself, but I don’t think they speak fluent dog. It’s a tough language to learn. They tell me every day about how sweet and adorable I am, but I think they just love me for my short legs and handsome smile. Don’t tell them that I know though. I’m a laid-back dog who loves belly rubs and ear scratches. I also really love barking and chasing the water from the hose. It’s a great way to cool down and a blast to play in. I’ve been in this strange place for a while and it’s getting lonely. The humans come and pet me daily but it’s never long enough in my opinion. The food here is good but I’m kind of a picky eater. They do well at accommodating my distinguished tastebuds though. I would love to find a home where I can be loved and spoiled with good food and be a loving, lounging lap dog!

Paws and Kisses, Murphy