The Public Education Department of New Mexico is having a Zoom meeting on June 2 (Tuesday!) with various educators discussing changing our current Social Studies standards to be more “WOKE” and to further the Critical Race Theory etc. so prevalent in numerous other states like California, New York etc.

Instead of teaching history including the founding of our great nation, the exceptionalism (not perfection) of our founding fathers, patriotism, American exceptionalism, and what actually happened in history they are wanting to focus on “power conflicts between classes of people”, “social justice issues”, “divergence form Eurocentric script” (which basically means to vilify all white men), “power and oppression”, that history can be interpreted any way you want, teaching students to “be a part of a global environment” (which is “globalism” meaning doing away from things that set America apart), and “mending, healing, and transforming”.   Everything in quotes is the PED’s own words put in the “Guiding Principles from Working Group” that was given to the educators that will be in the Zoom meeting.

As a public school educator (history teacher) of 28 years I have seen the following evidence gradually getting worse every year.  Our students are already exposed non-stop to these type of ideas in our educational system, in the textbooks that are used and the politically correct propaganda in public education and even more so in our universities. This is why we have millions of students that have no idea about our history and think that America is an evil racist country and don’t appreciate the freedoms that we have in this country and that we owe a debt of gratitude to our founding fathers and those who have died preserving our freedoms.  This is why, in the name of “racism” that youth tear down a statue of Abraham Lincoln simply because he is a white man.  They have no idea who Lincoln was or that he freed the slaves. They have no idea who anyone of note is or what they did unless their faults are greatly magnified and their accomplishments are stricken from the record.

If this effort by the New Mexico PED succeeds, then everything that I have mentioned will get worse.  They will be unashamedly indoctrinating our children into this cult of lies. These toxic ideas will be taught to every child in every classroom in New Mexico, as most history teachers (I hate to say) just teach directly what the standards say….truthful or not, accurate or not, slanted or not.  They honestly just regurgitate whatever is in the book and in the standards.

Please contact the following immediately (and have everyone you know do the same) to voice your extreme opposition to this indoctrination from the far left:

Public Education Department at 505-827-5800

You State Senators and Representatives

Your school superintendent

Your school board

Local new outlets

Albuquerque news outlets, etc.


Thank you! Wade Fraze