What made you decide to run for office?

My desire to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem. I am a lifelong public servant and I believe that we all should do our part to make our corner of the world a better place for all.


How well do you believe you know the U.S. Constitution?

I can’t quote chapter and verse of either constitution in its entirety, but I am familiar enough with them to be able to understand questions about them. I will be reading and studying more in the near future.


What is the role of Government in general?

The Columbia Encyclopedia defines government as “a system of social control under which the right to make laws, and the right to enforce them, is vested in particular group or society.” I believe government should definitely be be the people, by the people and for the people.   Making laws and providing the enforcement of them should be the primary duties of government.  It seems to me that presently our government has way mor control over lives than it should.


What do you believe are the most important attributes of a candidate?

How do you plan to make yourself available? I believe integrity and character absolutely the most important. A candidate should be honest and truthful. Ability and effectiveness come with time.


How much should an elective servant be available to his/her constituents? How do you plan to make yourself available?

An elected servant should be available as much as possible to their constituents.  Certainly, they need their private time, but in today’s world email and cellphones make communication easier and more readily available. I will be available through those modes of communication. 


What kinds of things (activities, events, organizations, etc.) have you been a part of or have supported up until now?

I have been a public servant in Roosevelt County and Statewide for 45 years. Support of my industry (agriculture) has been my primary interest, but I have also served on the local school board and the electric coop board.  I have worked hard to make this a better place.


Whenever you have to make difficult decisions. What process do you normally go through to reach that decision?

First, I pray. My faith has always been a vital part of my life.  If needed, I will seek counsel from someone I trust to help make a better-informed decision.  Further, I believe not rushing to make a confident decision is vital.  Take as much time as possible.


What should the relationship be between the elected officials and the people?

I hope that the relationship between the people and their elected officials will be respectful and cordial.


If you encounter angry constituents, publicly or privately, how will you handle it?

I would try and calm the situation by speaking quietly and respectfully. It is very difficult to assess and remedy a situation when one or both sides are angry.


What line would the state government have to cross before you believe it would be your duty to make a stand?

Certainly, if the law isn’t followed or if the situation went completely against what I stand for. Absolutely, I believe making a stand is the right thing to do.


If elected, what are some of the things you will do between the election and the time you take office?

I will continue to attend functions in my district, to visit with the people and hear their concerns. Also, I will attend interim legislative committee meetings.


What are the three most important issues facing Roosevelt/New Mexico and how do you plan to address those?

Our southern border, education of our children and crime. We all have to work together for the betterment of our great state.  Therefore, I would like to work with other likeminded individuals/legislators to bring about new legislation to secure our borders. We need more local control in our schools.  I believe we need to go back to school board control and not PED.  We need to obey and enforce the laws we have on the books and most importantly we need to Back the Blue!


If you could look into the future five years from now, what do you want Roosevelt/New Mexico to be like?

I would like to see more balance in the power in our government in New Mexico, and I don’t believe that it is a healthy situation. I would also hope to see our education system improve.  We are last or competing for last in many categories, and I believe our children deserve better.  I would like to see a more desirable place to live, so more of our children choose to remain here to make their home.


Who was your childhood mentor and why? Who has had the greatest impact on your life as an adult and why? Either can be someone you know personally, a historical figure , etc.

My heroes would surely have to be my dad and my granddad. They set the example for me by being Godly men first of all, then being public servants, and men of unquestionable character and integrity.  But, my mentor would surely have to be Gene Creighton, He worked for my dad running our ranch when I first became involved.  He taught me most of what I knew about cows and horses and how to run a ranch.  He also set the example for me to be a servant and to be an honest, dependable man of faith and integrity.


My roots run deep in this district.  Cindy and I have been married for 49 years, all spent right here.  Our family at one time or another, has ranched or run cattle in all 5 counties- Roosevelt, Curry, Lea, DeBaca and Chaves.  I have worked in Santa Fe on behalf of the ag industry, and I understand the workings of our state government.  I believe the people need to make their choice of who they want to be their next Senator, not the Governor.  If elected, I will go to Santa Fe and do the best job I can to represent the people of New Mexico Senate District. 27.