Our children and youth ministries are very excited to announce that we will be participating in the “Operation Christmas Child” program this year as a service project. Our goal is to pack 50 shoe boxes with school supplies, hygiene items, toys, and more to send to children all over the world. These boxes are a wonderful way for our youth to share God’s love with children in need. We will be packing boxes the weekend of November 21st and 22nd during class.

Here’s where you come in! Once each box is packed it needs a $10 donation to cover the shipping and processing fees. We invite you or maybe your business to partner with our youth by helping with this cost. You can donate anytime now through November 21st, just be sure to mark it for “Operation Christmas Child” on your check or online donation. If you have any questions or would like to be involved with this project, please contact Jennifer @ 505-332-8593.