SANTA FE—On Thursday, Piñon Post launched a petition in response to Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber’s Wednesday announcement to rip down historic Spanish landmarks in the city for supposed safe-keeping, the Piñon Post launched a petition calling for the Mayor to cease the removal of historic Hispanic history.
Now, over 1,500 New Mexicans have signed onto the petition, which will be sent to Mayor Alan Webber and the Santa Fe City Council.
Piñon Post editor John Block said, “The overwhelming wave of opposition to Webber’s power grab by unilaterally taking down historic Spanish landmarks is a clear-as-day outcry against the destruction of our culture one statue at a time.”
“Mayor Webber’s blatant disregard for our sacred Spanish culture is both an affront to the faithful people of Santa Fe and to people all across New Mexico. There is absolutely no excuse for siding with the most divisive, hateful fringe groups like ‘The Red Nation,’ in tearing down Spanish monuments and degrading our cherished Hispanic culture,” continued Block.
“I, like so many other Spanish people in our state, am proud of my Hispanic ancestry, heritage, and culture. Once the Radical Left finish ripping down all of our statues, what will they go after next? Will they burn down the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and La Conquistadora, or torch the Palace of the Governors? No concession we could possibly make to these hate groups will placate their demands until we completely fade into extinction.”
Find the petition, which has already been signed by over 1,500 Santa Feans, Click here.