THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE PORTALES CITY COUNCIL, which will be held starting at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 21, 2020 , and will be available to the public on the City of Portales Facebook account as an audio meeting that may be heard at the link:

The following item(s) is/are scheduled for consideration and recommendation to the City Council:
A M E N D E D A G E N D A I. Call to Order – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair. II. Roll Call – City Clerk. III. Scheduled Business — Discussion & Action – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.

(A) Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): 1. Regular Meeting March 17, 2020. 2. Special (Audio) Meeting April 8, 2020.
(B) CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below are recommended by the City Manager for placement on the consent agenda. These items are placed on the agenda so that the Council, by unanimous consent, can designate those routine agenda items that they wish to be approved or acknowledged by one motion. If any proposal does not meet with the approval of all Council members, or if a citizen so requests, that item will be heard when reached under the regular agenda.
1. Motion to place indicated items on the consent agenda by unanimous roll call vote.
a. Ratification of Finance Department’s Actions on the Bills for March 2020. (Initiated by Marilyn Rapp, Finance Director.)
b. Request for Approval of Adoption of Resolution #19-20-36, A Resolution Authorizing the City of Portales to Submit an Application to the Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division to Participate in Juvenile Adjudication Fund Program. (Darla Reed, DWI Director.)
c. Request for Approval of Resolution #19-20-37, A Resolution Authorizing the Removal of Uncollectible Time Barred Accounts from Ambulance Billing. (Fire Chief Cathey.)
d. Request for Approval of an Easement Agreement for Structures Encroaching in City Right-of-Way at 1000 E. Elbe, Owners Andy and Desiree Galvan. (Donna Rutherford, Planning Director.)

Council Agenda April 21, 2020 2

e. Request for Approval of Amendment Nine (9) to Agreement for Engineering Services with Stantec for Additional Construction Phase Services (4318WPF) on Water Storage Improvements Project Pending Funding Agency Concurrence. (John DeSha, Public Works Director.)
2. Motion to approve or acknowledge all items on the consent agenda by unanimous roll call vote.

IV. Any question or comment from citizens may be submitted in writing to the City Clerk or City Manager before or after the meeting. Contact information for both are on the city’s website:

V. Adjournment

This is to certify that a copy of this Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in the front lobby of City Hall by 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 17, 2020.
Joan Martinez-Terry, City Clerk

Mayor: Ronald L. Jackson Pro – Tem: Michael G. Miller Ward C Councilors: Daniel W. Boan Ward B Michael J. “Jim” Lucero Ward D Veronica A. Cordova W ard A Dianne Y. Parker Ward D Chadrick H. Heflin Ward C Oscar H. Robinson Ward B Jake Lopez Ward A

Special arrangements for the disabled will be made if requested from the City Clerk at 356-6662, extension 1012, at least 24 hours in advance.