THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE PORTALES CITY COUNCIL, which will be held starting at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 17 , 20 20 , at the Memorial Building Council Chambers, 200 E. 7th Street, Portales, New Mexico. The following item(s) is/are scheduled for consideration and action by the City Council:
I. Call to Order – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.

II. Roll Call – City Clerk.

III. Invocation. IV. Pledge of Allegiance.

V. Official Salute to the New Mexico Flag: “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico the Zia symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures.”

VI. Scheduled Business — Discussion & Action – Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem/Councilor-as-Chair.

(A) Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): 1. Regular Meeting held March 3, 2020.
(B) Item(s) from Finance Department – M. Rapp, Finance Director. 1. Ratification of Finance Department’s Actions on Bills for February 2020. 2. Presentation of 2018-2019 Audit by D. Garcia, Beasley & Mitchell. 3. Resolution #19-20-32, Acceptance of Audit.
(C) Resolution #19-20-33, A Resolution Authorizing Membership in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Elite Medical Transport – T.J. Cathey, Fire Chief.
(D) Resolution #19-20-34, A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Sign the New Mexico State Fire Marshal’s Office FY 2021 Municipal Fire Protection Fund Distribution Application – T.J. Cathey, Fire Chief.

(E) Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 744, An Ordinance Providing for the Annexation to the City of Portales, A Tract of Land within the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, T2S R34E, Roosevelt County, New Mexico, to be known as the Pioneer Village Subdivision, as indicted in the Survey Plat – R. Jackson, Mayor. 1. Action to enter into Public Hearing to Receive comments. 2. Action to close the Public Hearing. 3. Action as a Result of the Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 744.
(F) Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 745, Pioneer Village Subdivision Zone Change, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 387, As Amended, of the City of Portales, New Mexico, to Alter the Official Zoning Map Referred to in Ordinance No. 387 so as to Change the Council Agenda March 3, 2020

Classification of Certain Real Property from its Present Zoning Classification to a New Classification – R. Jackson, Mayor. 1. Action to enter into Public Hearing to Receive comments.

2. Action to close the Public Hearing.

3. Action as a Result of the Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 745.

(G) Report of Results of 2020 Municipal Officers Election for the Record – J. Martinez-Terry, City Clerk.
(H) Other Business/Citizens to be Heard – Any Matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda. A public body shall only act on items appearing on the agenda:

• Public comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. • Individuals will be limited to one (1) presentation per meeting, and there will be a maximum of six (6) speakers on each subject. • Councilors will not respond to comments or answer any questions to avoid any possible violation of the Open Meetings Act. • Questions or requests for information should be directed to the City Manager in writing during regular business hours.

VII. Adjournment.

This is to certify that a copy of this Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in the front lobby of City Hall by 2:30 p.m., Friday, March 13, 2020.

Joan Martinez-Terry, City Clerk

Mayor: Ronald L. Jackson At – Large