Dear Greyhound Family,
We hope this communication finds you and your loved ones safe, healthy, and adjusting to this challenging period in our nation and our world, brought about by the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
This pandemic has affected us all. You may have heard that ENMU made the difficult decision, after considerable deliberation and consultation, to move all courses to online instruction for the remainder of the semester. All but a few of our students have moved out of on-campus residences and have returned home. We have also suspended all University-sponsored events and gatherings through May 15 for all ENMU System campuses and instituted a “work from home” accommodation for our staff. We decided to take these steps based on local, state and national health recommendations and because the health and safety of our community are of utmost importance to us.

Online instruction began March 23, and our faculty and students have been adjusting well; we commend their hard work and dedication. The adjustment has been understandably difficult for our undergraduate seniors, who are coming to terms with missing out on so many precious spring experiences together, ranging from athletic events and award nights to Spring Commencement ceremonies. It is our greatest hope that we will have the opportunity to celebrate our graduates later in the summer with a special campus recognition.

President Jeff Elwell said,
“Our first priority is continuity of instruction in our efforts to provide stability and high-quality education to our students as we continue to move them toward earning their degrees. .. I know we will all make it through this in good shape because we support each other; it is embedded deeply in our Eastern culture to do everything humanly possible to serve and protect our students, faculty and staff.”

We encourage you to visit our website, for updates on ENMU’s response.
We hope you will continue to stay connected to your friends, family and the rest of our ENMU community. The relationships you formed here endure for a lifetime, and we can better navigate this challenge by connecting with and leaning on one another. Please take this time to reach out to your former classmates and check in with them; this is an ideal time reconnect!
In closing, please remain positive. Know that our current students are adapting to a new “normal” as they wrap up their semester or college careers, and our future Greyhounds rely on all of us being optimistic and believing in a better tomorrow.
Your support for your alma mater matters most now!
Stay healthy! Stay connected! #ENMU

Noelle J. Bartl (BS 92)
Associate Vice President for Advancement
Toll-free: 888.291.5524