February 5, 2021 – Clovis, NM – Calling all volunteersNominations are now being accepted for the President’s Volunteer Service Awards, PVSA, through United Way of Eastern New Mexico, which recently became a certifying organization for this AmeriCorps volunteer recognition program.  The awards are meant to honor those who contribute a significant amount of time to volunteer projects in one twelve-month period. The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a great way to shine a spotlight on the impact of volunteering, it can be a boost to a resume or college application, and it inspires others to serve their community!

               UWENM will be accepting applications for PVSA’s through March 5th with awards to be presented during National Volunteer Week, April 18th – 24th, 2021. Plans are underway to host an awards presentation event, either virtually or in-person, as will be determined based on current COVID-19 mandates. 

Volunteers, from the age of five and up, are eligible to be nominated for the award. Awards will be presented based on the amount of hours volunteered in a 12-month consecutive period and that have been certified through United Way of Eastern New Mexico and the Volunteer Action Center.

               Local agencies, organizations and individuals are encouraged to nominate volunteers for the awards. “Volunteers are an integral part of many local organizations and agencies and are the unsung heroes, stepping in to help and assist to keep things running”, Casey Peacock, Volunteer Action Center Coordinator said. “Without the help of the many volunteers in our local communities, many of the agencies and organizations would struggle to help those in need.” 

               As part of the application process, Volunteers are asked to sign up on www.VolunteerENM.org   so they can log their hours so that officials can certify the hours for the awards. 

               Full details about the criteria for these awards and the nomination application can be found by visiting www.UnitedWayENM.org and clicking on “President’s Volunteer Award” at the top of the page. Additional information may be obtained by calling 211, UWENM’s information helpline. 


### President’s Volunteer Service Award: In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too. (Information obtained from https://www.presidentialserviceawards.gov/about)

About United Way of Eastern New Mexico

United Way of Eastern New Mexico unites neighbors and changes lives in Curry and Roosevelt counties by seeking partners who will give, advocate and volunteer to benefit our local community– especially through work that promotes child well-being and youth success.  UWENM is the largest grant maker in our area funding 28 programs at 13 local agencies that fight child abuse and domestic violence; end hunger; take care of our elderly and disabled; fight homelessness; and provide youth development. UWENM is the provider of the free information/referral phone service 2-1-1 answering approximately 170 call each month. UWENM is the provider of the free online volunteer portal www.VolunteerENM.org.

About United Way’s Volunteer Action Center

UWENM seeks to create a culture of service and volunteerism in Curry & Roosevelt Counties. www.VolunteerENM.org is a web-portal linking people who want to volunteer with local agencies and organizations doing work to serve the needs of our community. In 2019, 467 people responded to 1,042 volunteer needs with 21 local agencies.

For more information, visit 

