Posted in New Mexico October 19, 2019 by Monica Spencer

Life has certainly changed in the last 80 years. Health and technological advancements, clothing styles, and quality of living have improved in a variety of ways, mostly for the better. Here’s a look at life approximately eight decades ago and you may be surprised at how much things have changed.

Dental appointments were a little different back in 1943. Here, a dentist and nurse extract a child’s tooth in Questa.

This woman’s laundry became less of a chore after her son provided her with an electric washer. Look at the size of that contraption.

A Peñasco resident nurse reads through a magazine in her bunk.

Boy Scouts sing along with a priest in a Peñasco parish.

A farmer and his brother play some tunes for their photographer guest in Pie Town.

Locals attend mass in Peñasco.

The community enjoys a huge picnic in Pie Town.

Yes, color film was available in the 1940s! This particular photo was shot on Kodak’s Kodachrome.

And here’s another, at the same picnic, a homesteader enjoys a meal with his kids.

Here are two couples soaking in the sun while seated on a dune at White Sands National Monument.

And finally, these Mogollon miners’ children are flipping through a comic book. What do you think they’re reading?

Having the opportunity to view New Mexico as our parents and grandparents did is an incredible sight, don’t you think?