“In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!” Luke 15:7 (NLT)

Way back…a long time ago…before COVID…I went to concerts! I LOVE live music! I’ve gone to a lot of Rock, Country, Jazz and Christian Concerts over the years. Whether it was at a classic theater, a giant sports arena, an outdoor amphitheater, or a county fair, the concert atmosphere is usually the same. It’s exciting! People have often driven for miles! Fans often buy T-shirts and “represent”! The excitement continues to build until the lights go out and that first drum beat pounds through your chest! The curtain drops and the crowd erupts – cheering, jumping, clapping, screaming…I love that moment!

Now…imagine a scene that is similar, but instead of an amphitheater & a band, it’s the “Streets of Gold” and a huge crowd of ANGELS! They are cheering and screaming-loud whistles and “woo hoots” fill the air! But instead of chanting for the Band or singing the lyrics of the opening song…they are cheering, screams from full lungs and clapping…for you!

That’s what Scripture says happens when ONE SINNER changes their ways! One sinner repenting creates more racket than ALL the Classic Rock bands on tour every summer!!

Luke 15 opens with some of the Parables of Jesus. He starts a story of a man that has 100 sheep, loses 1, and He leaves the 99 to go after the ONE. That one sheep was so precious to Him, that He REFUSES to leave him behind! Instead of accepting that loss and abandoning that sheep to the elements, the Shepherd goes after him! And when He finds that sheep, He invites His friends and neighbors to party, to celebrate and to CHEER with Him!

Friends…YOU are that one! You are the one He is looking for! Leaving 99 to find one doesn’t make ANY sense…until that one is YOU! YOU are so valuable to our Father, that He will NOT abandon you! Someone needs to hear that today! You may FEEL like you are lost and no one sees your struggle. Your Heavenly Father is searching for you! And He will not leave you to be eaten by the world! You ARE cherished by Him. He will NOT leave you in your sinfulness and your brokenness.

And when you SEE Him…that cheering is what is happening in heaven…FOR YOU! When you surrender those fears, burdens, and shame, all the throng of Heaven is celebrating! They are wearing YOUR T-shirt! They are singing songs…ABOUT YOU! And the noise…wow, I can only imagine that!

Today…take a breath…and picture that scene! Think about the cheering of angels and the roar of THAT crowd! Ponder the celebration we will have! And let the GRACE OF GOD wash over you! He forgives! He searches for you! And YOU ARE PRECIOUS to Him! Now THAT…is a concert I can’t WAIT to see!

Almighty God…thank You for Your Mercy! May we be reminded today of how You search for us! Help me show your forgiveness to others today! And may truly SEE You and SHOW You this week! In Jesus Name, Amen

May Peace and Celebration Be YOUR Concert Today!

We would like to provide meals for 10-12 of the McMath family this week through at least Sunday.   If you would like to help provide meals for the McMath family please click here to sign up, or you can respond to this email, or call the church office.

Hey Central Family! We have another awesome opportunity to bless our students at Brown Early Childhood Center (BECC).  As you know our church adopted BECC and over the last few years have partnered with them on different projects, meals, and supplies etc.  This year is no different…sort of.  We won’t be able to go into the school this year to do some of our normal things, BUT, we have come up with a way to love on each one of them everyday!

When school starts on September 8th, the kiddos recess will look a little different.  Due to different guidelines for reopening the playground equipment will not be accessible to them.  So our goal is to provide each child with their own “Recess Bag” to use each day.  We want to provide items that they can use while outside each day to make that time more fun.

Central has already purchased bags and now we need your help in filling them.  We would like to do class sets that are exactly the same content for each child (doesn’t have to be the same color). So we are looking for items to be donated in sets of 20 if possible.
Here’s what we are looking for:

  • Bubbles
  • Chalk
  • Small cars, like the matchbox ones (these can be gently used).
  • Toy dinosaurs or plastic animals (these can be gently used)
  • Jump ropes
  • Balls (similar to kickballs or rubber balls in picture)
  • pick up stick games/ matching games

Many of these items can be purchased at the Dollar Tree or in bulk on sites like Amazon or Oriental Trading.  We plan to have the bags filled and delivered on Sept 8th.  If you would like to donate items, money toward items to be purchased, or have any questions please contact Jennifer at 505-331-8593.

CONGRATULATIONS to Livestock Show Qualifiers!
With no RC Fair this year, it’s been pretty discouraging for our 4-H Teens. But several influential people pulled together to have a GREAT Livestock Show recently and MANY of our young people were involved! (Note from Don: I did NOT get ALL of the names-if I left yours off, please forgive me! But we’re cheering for you too!) Here are some of our winners!

  • Nealeigh Burrow-show pigs
  • Trevor Daniel-lamb
  • Brandon Webster-Goat
  • Cody Webster-Goat

Thank you to all of the adults that poured MANY hours into these young people! We have a bunch of people that work on and with the Fair Board (Wes Weems, Wayne McAlister, Mike Cone, Sheila Hays and many more!) – I’m so grateful for everyone that has jumped in and helped to serve our Teens!

Clovis/Portales/Cannon MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is gearing up for a new season! We aim to connect women of all ages and stages of mothering to help them be more brave, kind, and honest. Whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first-time mom, or seventh-time mom, you are welcome! If you’d like to register, please contact Leah Castro at for information. Deadline to register is 9/12/20. MOPS will be meeting select Friday evenings at the Clovis First United Methodist Church (childcare currently not provided , but non-mobile babies welcomed)!


Saturday, August 29 Herman Jackson
Sunday, August 30 Wayne McAlister

For your safety, we are using pre-prepared communion elements.  Feel free to pick them up as you come in and hold them until the designated time.



We will be making a schedule of volunteers this week.  If you would like to serve in any of the following capacities, please respond to this email or call the church office.
Communion Meditations:
Saturdays –
Sept 5,  Sept 12, Sept 19, Sept 26
Sundays –
Sept 6, Sept 13, Sept 20, Sept 27

Saturdays –
Sept 5, Sept 12, Sept 19, Sept 26
Sundays –
Sept 6, Sept 13, Sept 20, Sept 27

Reset after Service:
Saturdays –
Sept 5, Sept 12, Sept 19, Sept 26
Sundays –
Sept 6, Sept 13, Sept 20, Sept 27

Saturdays –
Sept 12, Sept 19, Sept 26
Sept 13, Sept 20, Sept 27

The Word for You Today fall devotionals have arrived!
They will be available in the entryway but if you are participating online and would like one mailed to you, please let us know!

We are hoping to restart SPECTRUM-our Bible Study for College Aged students on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 7pm at the Campus House! Stay tuned for more details!!

CENSUS 2020-Please Fill it Out TODAY!
10 minutes today for a better tomorrow. Complete your census online, over the phone, or by mail. Respond by September 30th at or 1-844-330-2020.

● You deserve to be counted in the 2020 Census.
● Your time to respond is running out so make sure you do it today.
● The Constitution guarantees your right to be counted.
● The stakes have never been higher for New Mexico. We’re at risk of an undercount and if that happens, then we all lose out.
● It’s better to get it out of the way now so that a Census taker doesn’t have to follow up with you. That way you can avoid any interaction and they can spend their time with households that need the one-on-one help.
● By not participating, you’re leaving money on the table for eastern New Mexico. Our rural communities NEED a true count!

CURRENTLY, Roosevelt County is FAR behind…estimates show we have had less than 50% return-one of the lowest counties in the entire state of NM! Please do this FOR ALL OF US!!


PRAISE!  baby
Kannon Amory Vaughn arrived Aug 24th.  He weighed 7 lbs, 6 oz, and was 20.5 inches long.  Congratulations to proud parents, John & Kristan Vaughn.

Join us as we pray for:

  • Daniel Call – had heart and kidney transplant Tuesday!
  • Luke Bussen – emergency appendectomy in Norman OK this week
  • Jan Davis – still dealing with cancer treatments
  • Kelly Galassini’s sister – undergoing testing/treatment for cancer
  • Pastoral Board – Please pray as they consider how to handle Church in Pandemic
  • Schools/Teachers/Students – New year starting in a challenging way
  • Dennis Kerg – Found a cyst on brain stem-upcoming appointments with doctors
  • Hunter Barnett (and family) – health and wellbeing, he is back at home now
  • Please pray for RAIN!
  • AA Group – working through current restrictions

Health Watch:
Tom Banks, John Bridges, Diane Escalante, Jan Davis, Buck Wilson, Jim Idsinga, Deborah Hutchens, Karen Ingram, Leslie Ledbetter, Charles McAlister

Military Watch:
Chris Worley, Lucas Beaulieu, Patricia Harvey, Brandon Lovato, Patrick Barnett, Cody Medlock, Sam Roberts, Skyler Partin

Baby Watch
Gavin & Bree Bonestroo – girl, due due 9/9

Nursing Home / Homebound: 
Miriam Deen, Melveta Green, Loren Peterson, Charleen Foster

– – – – – – –

**If you would like to send a card to Daniel Call, here is the current contact information:

903 Plum Street
Lockhart, TX. 78644


We have a special opportunity to love on a special lady in our community-Rachel Randle! Many of you know Rachel from her riding around Portales in her electric wheelchair. She has recently moved into a place that doesn’t accommodate her wheelchair very well. Alan Galasinni is doing some work-he has the materials…but he needs some WORKERS to help! We are planning a WORK DAY for her on Saturday, Sept. 12 from 8am to 4pm! We need 15-20 people to help do demo, build walls, build a porch, install flooring and so much more! This is going to be a HARD work day-we need some people with skills, and a LOT OF HEART! Please talk to Alan or Don if you can help with this! We need ADULTS and TEENS that plan to work hard! Let’s show some love to Portales and bless this lady!!

Thank you for your faithful giving!
To give online, you can check our website for the Paypal link, or download the ChurchCenter app.

Or, if you prefer, you can drop a check in the mail:  (1528 South Main)

Thank you!       #InThis Together


Yes…we WANT to open more…and we are going to try to do that very soon! We are in the process of reopening 1st Service and Nursery after Labor Day! BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!

USHERS – We need 3-5 people for EVERY service to come at least 30 minutes early and help to seat people. We MUST keep the 6 Foot-Social Distancing space between people, so there needs to be at least a row in between families. CAN YOU HELP OUT? Please contact the church office (or reply to this email) and we will get you on a rotation of when you could serve!

RESET BUILDING AFTER SERVICE –  We need to sanitize EVERY surface after EVERY service. This requires carrying an industrial sprayer and walking around. Our Pastoral Board has been doing this…but we need some more help! CAN YOU HELP OUT? Please contact the church office (or reply to this email) and we will get you on a rotation of when you could serve!

NURSERY COMING SOON…But we need your help!  We are preparing to open a nursery/toddler room for Saturday night and Sunday 10:30 service beginning September 12th and 13th.  This will be for childcare of kiddos ages 0-4.

We are working on the logistic and procedures and  preparing the rooms to safely have kiddos back.

What we need help with is getting volunteers that would be willing and able to work in this age group.  Our goal is to have several on the list so that we can have a rotation schedule and backups if the need arises.  If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Jennifer at 505-331-8593 or email

We are doing ALL WE CAN to restore Normalcy! But please be patient with us! We want to move intentionally, and with prayerful thinking. Please be in PRAYER about this…and VOLUNTEER TO HELP! #wearecentral #inthistogether

Coming September 13…ALL 3 SERVICES!
We are shooting for a RESTART of all 3 services on Sunday Sept. 13-week AFTER Labor Day! Stay tuned for more details!

Let Me Be Frank –

“The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

Have you ever received an unexpected blessing?  As you read this, you may be thinking of an envelope with a check inside, someone ahead of you in the drive thru buying your lunch, or maybe a gift at your front door.  I’ve received all of these blessings in my life at one time or another and they have absolutely floored me.  Ordinary people being used by an extraordinary God.

A friend had recommended a new album for me to check out.  I love great music, but for whatever reason I hadn’t taken the time to listen.  So, this morning, as my “get up and go” got up and left, I tried to get motivated.  And as the first song started to play, I found myself more than a little overcome with emotion.

“Thank You, Lord.”  No, really, the first song was called “Thank You, Lord.”  And again, I am reminded of a Heavenly Father who continues to encourage and equip.  One that holds us up when we are weary, holds us tight when we are overwhelmed, and holds us together when we are broken.

‘May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may He be gracious to you, show you His favor, and give you His peace.’
Numbers 6:24-26

Moses may have shared the prayer with Aaron and his sons vocally, but it was given to him by the Lord.  Did you catch that?  This priestly blessing originates with our Lord.

The warmth of sunlight on your face.  The sound of rain on a tin roof.  Family and friends surrounded to comfort.  Moments captured in your mind because your phone is on the table.  Unexpected blessings.

May the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you.  May you be reminded of his peace and protection.  And when your “get up and go” gets up and leaves may you find strength in Him.

Almost forgot…  I was listening to the new Chris Tomlin album this morning.  And I’m getting ready to shoot a text of gratitude to my buddy for the recommendation.  It was a much needed and powerful reminder.

Blessings on you wherever you are.  Prayers for you as you go about your day.  “May the Lord bless and keep you” today and every day to come.

Can’t wait to worship with you this weekend!
We are Central… and we’re in this TOGETHER! 




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