SANTA FE – The New Mexico Magistrate Judges Association has elected new officers and board members to serve one-year terms.
Colfax County Magistrate Court Judge Warren Walton of Raton was elected president, Eddy County Magistrate Court Judge Jimmie “Chuck” Foster in Artesia was elected vice-president, and past association president, Los Alamos County Magistrate Court Judge Pat A. Casados was selected as secretary/treasurer. Retired Valencia County Magistrate Judge Tina Garcia will serve as the pro tem board member.
“The past presidents have done an exemplary job. I and the association board intend to keep the hard work going by supporting legislation that supports magistrates and the whole judiciary,” said Judge Walton.
Board members are:
Judge Cynthia Sanders, Gallup.
Judge Karen Mitchell, Roy.
Judge Jimmie Jones, Eunice.
Judge Maurine Laney, Silver City.
Judge Clipper Miller, Hobbs.
Judge Shawn Burns, Clovis.
Judge Christopher Mitchell, Portales.
Judge Christopher Baca, Santa Rosa.
Judge John Chavez, Belen.
Judge Buddy Hall, Ft. Sumner.
Judge Mickie Vega, Carrizozo.
Judge Felix Pena, Springer.
Judge Katie Lund, Ruidoso.
Judge Stacey Biel, Aztec.
Judge Delilah Montaño-Baca, Bernalillo.
In 1970, the association was established as a nonprofit organization and its activities include advocating for legislation and court funding. Officers and board members were elected at the annual Magistrate Judges Conference held virtually late last month.
New Mexico has 67 magistrate court judges. Magistrate courts have limited jurisdiction and handle traffic violations, misdemeanors, DWI cases, and civil actions up to $10,000.

Colfax County Magistrate Judge Warren Walton of Raton, NM.