Be a Census Ambassador to Your Community, Your Friends, and Your Family

New Mexico is at risk of a significant undercount in the 2020 Census and we need your help!

Due to last minute changes by the U.S. Census Bureau (the “Bureau”), New Mexico’s residents’ right to be counted is in jeopardy. Most recently, the Bureau shortened the deadline to participate in the 2020 Census to September 30 — a full month earlier than planned.

While the New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association has urged the Bureau to return to the deadline of October 31 — alongside more than 500 other foundations nationwide — we are doing everything we can to make sure that everyone in New Mexico is counted before September 30th.

Right now, New Mexico is in danger of losing more than $300 million per year – more than $3 billion over the next 10 years – based on current response rates. The loss of that level of funding in light of extreme additional needs created by COVID-19 will be devastating to New Mexico. We have also been told an undercount may mean fewer COVID-19 vaccines for New Mexico once one is developed. If the federal government does not have an accurate count of how many people live in New Mexico we may not receive an adequate supply of vaccines.

A census undercount means cuts for Title I schools and school food programs, cuts for firefighters and first responders, less road funding, and reduced access to health care for the next 10 years. It also potentially changes our congressional representation. It is critical that all residents are counted, all our voices are heard and that our communities get the funding they deserve.

We are rural and urban. We are parents and children. We are diverse. We are mixed-status. We are essential. We are New Mexico, and we must be counted.

Here are actions that you and your organization can do to contribute to a complete count today. The link also has great information about how an undercount affects different areas of concern, such as healthcare, education, human services, agriculture, food, and representation.

We are asking you to take action to support the census TODAY! Please be a census ambassador to your community, your friends, and your family. Will you join us to make sure everyone is counted?

Actions that you can do to contribute to a complete count today.  Click Here

In Health,

Denise Miller
Executive Director
New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association