• The state Department of Health reported 308 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday and 12 additional deaths. In the press release announcing this, DOH included this new language:
    • Daily case counts and test numbers are raw data based on information the state receives today – meaning data that has not yet been scrutinized to identify potential duplicates or late-arriving positives or negatives. By contrast, the Red Yellow Green county-level analysis provides a highly accurate picture for a two-week period of time.
  • The state of New Mexico has administered 441,786 doses out of the 448,500 it has received from the federal government as of Tuesday. With the Pfizer vaccine, some providers have been able to obtain six doses per vial instead of five. Of these doses, 303,031 were primary doses and 138,755 were booster doses. The state has administered 81,990 doses in the last seven days.
    • The state is lagging on vaccinations for those between the ages of 65 and 74, the Albuquerque Journal reported. The state’s 1B vaccination group only includes those 75 and older, which is higher than the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggestion of those 65 and older.
  • A bill to provide economic recovery for the pandemic that rushed through the House hit a snag in the Senate as the chamber’s Finance Committee voted to “temporarily table” the bill until they could make changes, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported.
  • As more people New Mexicans receive their vaccine doses, hospital leaders are still urging them to abide by COVID-safe practices because it isn’t clear if those who have received the vaccine can still spread the disease, KRQE-TV reported.
  • The Las Cruces Sun-News has more on the plans by Las Cruces Public Schools to expand in-person learning.
    • The district announced a media teacher at a middle school in the district passed away from COVID-19, the Sun-News reported. She was the fifth educator in the district to die with COVID-19.
  • The Silver Schools Board of Education also heard updates on the upcoming plans to return to hybrid learning, the Silver City Daily Press reported.
  • The Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education will take up weather and how to reopen in-person learning again during a virtual meeting on Wednesday, the Albuquerque Journal reported.
  • Los Lunas schools will remain virtual-only for the time being, KRQE-TV reported.
  • Ash Wednesday will look different for Catholics this year, the Las Cruces Sun-News reported.
  • The Quay County Sun wrote about the return of indoor dining in the county.
  • A bill to expand broadband coverage in the state passed its first Senate committee, the Albuquerque Journal reported.