For Superintendent, Johnnie Cain, Mary Lou Rowley was his first choice to dedicate the new Family Consumer Science Center at the Portales High in her and her family’s name and the rest of the board agreed.
The area has been the same since 1964 with no significant changes in equipment or design. The new Family Consumer Science rooms have both been completely renovated with 4 kitchens similar to what you would find in a home and one kitchen outfitted with restaurant grade equipment and targeting those students which might seek a culinary arts career. Mr. Cain says,” the family consumer science classes are some of the most popular classes that are offered. Debbie Stenstrom is the current teacher with 6 periods of FCS classes each day and each one is filled up every semester. “
The dedication was a complete surprise to Mary Lou. The board and staff was “super sneaky” with the invitation to Mary Lou to attend the meeting and be part of the ribbon cutting ceremony. Mary Lou, says, “ I had no idea what was going to happen when I walked into the room and there sat all my family, I just was so proud when they told me” I don’t think I have done anything special to deserve this , I just live my life every day – it was a complete wonderful surprise”. Mary Lou went onto to say, “Oh my gosh, what a beautiful center, it is all state of the art. It is the most up to date kitchens you have ever seen, all top of the line! Our students will come out of there prepared to work in even the finest of kitchens – I could not be more proud. ”
Home Eq? It was Home Economics for years, where did the Q come in?
Whoops! We fixed it. Thanks for catching it.