Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Jake Lopez Community Building
Roosevelt County Fairgrounds
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday March 2, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in the
Jake Lopez Community Building with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Rodney Savage,
Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Randy
Knudson, County Clerk Mandi Park, Detention Administrator Justin Porter, County Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Human
Resources Administrator Debra Olds, GIS Technician Johnny Montiel, Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato, Probate
Judge Kendall Terry, Special Programs Coordinator Carol Acosta Flores, Anthony Ortega, Shayla Ramsey, Ana Chavez,
Geneva Gonzales, Raquel Herrera Moreno, Mary Griego, Danion Rich, Arica Sandoval, Angie Smith, Misty Sipes Hall.
Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – County Manager Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Grider
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve agenda was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Savage.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes of the February 22, 2021 special meeting was made by Commissioner Dixon with a
second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
Public Requests: none
Elected Officials/Department Heads Report:
Employee Recognition: Human Resources Administrator Olds presented years of service awards to the following
employees: Detention Shayla Ramsey – 5 years. Detention Mary Griego – 5 years, Administration Carol Acosta
Flores – 5 years, Maintenance Anthony Ortega – 3 years, Detention Danion Rich – 1 year, Arica Sandoval – 1 year,
Raquel Herrera-Moreno – 1 year, Anna Chavez – 1 year. Awards to be presented to employees who were not in
attendance include: Deputy Daniel Boan – 5 years, Deputy Chris Townsend – 3 years, Road Fabian Munoz – 3 years,
Road Randy Coats –3 years, Road Carlos Borrego – 3 years, Detention Jesus Lavelle – 1 year.

Clerk: County Clerk Park stated the Board of Registration will meet on Wednesday March 10th for the purpose of
updating the voter rolls to remove inactive voters who are ineligible due to a change of address. The Board of
Registration members appointed by the Commission in June of 2019 are Sharon Davis, Larry Smith, Tina Dzuik, Tate
Turnbough, and Pilar Moreno. She gave an overview of the process and stated that there are 305 names on the list
to potentially be removed from the voter rolls when the board meets on March 10th. Commissioner Savage asked
how the list comes together, and how voters are put on the list or removed from the list. Ms. Park explained that
voters are removed from the list in only two ways, either action by the voter or action by the board. Either the
voter updates their registration by changing their address to their current address, or the board removes them
from the voter rolls.

Probate Judge: Kendall Terry gave an update on probates recorded since taking office in January, stating that he
has processed 7 probates, he has 3 probates currently in process, and has sent 3 probates up to the District Court
for process. Judge Terry also gave an update on the legal resources available to the citizens. He stated there have
been 2 seminars offered already and will be 4 more upcoming seminars hosted by Legal Resources for the Elderly
Program. The dates for upcoming seminars are March 30th, April 27, May 27, and June 24, 2021.

Detention: Administrator Porter stated the facility count stands at 52, 11 are female detainees, and 41 male
detainees, 3 detainees are from out of county. There were 47 bookings in February and 52 releases in February. He
stated the total billed to other agencies for the month of February was $11,617.50. He stated the roof repair is
close to completion, the remaining work on the roof is over the administrative offices of the facility. They have
painted and done some repair work to the visitation area in preparation for re-opening visitation once that
becomes an option for the facility. He thanked the maintenance department for work they had done in the
booking area. Mr. Porter also noted that the cost of housing juvenile detainees has increased with the closure of
juvenile facilities in the area. Currently the closest facility for housing juvenile detainees is in Lea County. The Dona
Ana County juvenile facility can also be utilized when necessary. He stated there are currently 2 juveniles in
custody charged with serious offenses that will result in higher-than-normal juvenile billing in the coming months.

Indigent Healthcare: Ms. Acosta-Flores asked the commission to enter into indigent meeting. Commissioner Lopez
made a motion to go into indigent meeting, with a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. Ms. Acosta-Flores reported 14
claims had been received totaling $9,260.56, and recommended 8 for approval totaling $4,374.56. Commissioner
Lopez made a motion to come out of indigent meeting, with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. Commissioner Lopez
made a motion to approve the indigent claims as presented, with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Road: Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato reported crews doing routine maintenance. Tree trimming will begin as
the weather warms up. He stated there was a two-week delay in the completion of the Sagamore Project due to
the recent freezing weather, but that the project is near completion. Once the Sagamore Project is complete later
this month, the FY 2021 LGRF projects will begin, including Caps, COOP and School Bus Routes. He is waiting for
contracts to be received for additional projects planned for the summer. March 2, 2021

Safety Committee Annual Report: Ms. Olds stated the Safety Committee works to keep employees safe in the
workplace. She stated the employees are the most valuable resource and we are committed to their safety. Ms.
Olds reported on the findings over the past 3 years and the steps taken to resolve those findings. She reported that
all departments had completed the 2020 RAP Trainings. Ms. Olds presented the Commission with a RAP award
that was presented to the Safety Committee during the New Mexico Counties Legislative Conference. The
Commission thanked Ms. Olds and the Safety Committee for their work.

Manager: Manager Hamilton stated the renovations to the Jake Lopez Community Center had begun and is
progressing quickly.
Ms. Hamilton gave an in-depth update on legislation that Roosevelt County and New Mexico Counties are
watching closely. The deadline to introduce new legislation has passed. New Mexico Counties is tracking nearly
300 pieces of legislation. Roosevelt County is tracking about 200. With three weeks left in the session, we are now
watching legislation that is more likely to move forward. HB 4 is likely to be heard in Senate Judiciary later this
week. This is the final committee for this bill before being heard on the Senate Floor. Ms. Hamilton stated all of the
resolutions passed by the Commission have been shared with our leaders in Santa Fe. The numerous cannabis bills
are moving through committees quickly as are some of the other priorities on the agenda, while other bills seem to
be stalled. Roosevelt County continues to monitor Capital Outlay and bills affecting law enforcement.
Commission: Commissioner Lopez noted the progress on the renovations to the Jake Lopez Community Center,
stating that the new doors look good. Commissioner Lopez stated he had served on the NM Counties Board of
Directors for many years. Commissioner Lopez stated his current workload and demanding travel schedule will not
allow him the time to adequately support the work of the NM Counties Board. He stated he had spoken with Joy
Esparsen at New Mexico Counties to discuss the options of replacing him on that board with a new representative
for Roosevelt County. He stated he would be stepping down from that board at the end of the week or as soon as a
new representative can be appointed or elected. Commissioner Lopez also stated the representative must be an
elected official and Commissioner Dixon had served as an alternate and is familiar with the board. If an election is
required, the County Clerk’s office will oversee the election.

New Business:
A. Request for Approval of Arch Volunteer Firefighters Annual PERA Reporting: Commissioner Dixon made a
motion to approve the Arch Volunteer Firefighters Annual PERA report, with a second by Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
B. Request for Approval of Milnesand Volunteer Firefighters Annual PERA Reporting: Commissioner Grider made a
motion to approve the Milnesand Volunteer Firefighters Annual PERA report, with a second by Commissioner
Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes
C. Request for Approval of Type 3-A Summary Subdivision called the Villegas Subdivision: Mr. Montiel explained
Mr. Villegas had completed all of the required paperwork for the approval of a Type 3-A subdivision. All the
requirements have been met, the application for the subdivision has also been approved by the City of Portales.
Mr. Montiel stated there are no protective covenants and no adverse opinions for the requested subdivision.
There are no dedicated internal roads within this subdivision. Each parcel has access to state highway 88. Each
parcel holder would have to apply for a driveway permit through the state. Commissioner Grider made a motion
to approve the subdivision as presented, with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes

D. Request for Approval of Letter of Intent to New Mexico Department of Transportation Regarding FY22
Funding Applications: Mr. Lovato stated the applications are for the Local Government Road Fund, CAPS, COOP,
and School Bus agreements for Fiscal Year 2022. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the request,
with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner
Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes

Media Communication: none

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 9:47 a.m.
__________________________ _____________________________
Mandi M. Park Tina Dixon
County Clerk Commission Chai