Monday, February 22, 2021
Jake Lopez Community Building
Roosevelt County Fairgrounds
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in special business meeting on Monday February 22, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in the
Jake Lopez Community Building with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Rodney Savage,
Commissioner Tina Dixon, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Randy Knudson, County Clerk Mandi
Park, Detention Administrator Justin Porter, DWI / Misdemeanor Court Compliance Officer Dana Hernandez, County
Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Financial Specialist Liliana Rivera, GIS Technician Johnny Montiel, Lieutenant Javier Sanchez,
Journalist Alisha Boswell Gore.
Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:06 a.m.
Invocation – County Manager Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Grider
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve agenda was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Savage.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes of the February 2, 2021 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Dixon with a
second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll:
Motion to approve accounts payable and payroll from January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2021 was made by
Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner DixonYes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
Public Requests: none
Elected Officials/Department Heads Report:
Treasurer: Treasurer Sanchez reported a general fund beginning cash balance as of December 31, 2020 of
$4,379,035.43, debits of $ 2,526,555.67 credits of $ 630,557.41, and an ending cash balance of $ 6,275,033.69.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to enter Board of Finance, with a second by Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes. Ms. Sanchez gave a report to the
board of finance, stating investments are earning a very low rate of return, but holding steady in short term CD’s.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to end Board of Finance, with a second by Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
Manager: Manager Hamilton stated Ms. Acosta-Flores and Ms. Rivera are working on the second FEMA relief
application for May to December 2020. That application should be complete within a few weeks. Ms. Hamilton
stated she and other local government representatives, had a meeting with new congresswoman Teresa Legler to
familiarize her with the needs of this area. Ms. Hamilton gave an update on the availability of federal recovery
funds. She stated there would be a town hall meeting on Wednesday evening to address the need for services
from the Income Support Division in Roosevelt County. Roosevelt County ISD has been closed since a positive
COVID test in that office in July. She stated there had been more than 500 responses to a survey to assess the
needs of the residents affected by the closure of the Portales office. Ms. Hamilton reported that there will be a
surplus/obsolete inventory auction held on the fairgrounds. Bill Johnston Auctioneers will hold the sale on March
27, 2021.
She stated the New Mexico jobless rate is up by 1.9% which is still higher than most of the country. Ms. Hamilton
stated we were fortunate in the recent cold weather that we had no significant damage due to freezing
temperatures, ice or electrical outages. Ms. Hamilton stated that renovation had begun to the Jake Lopez
Community Center, noting that there is a need for an additional budget adjustment for replacement of the front
doors for ADA compliance. That work will cost about $10,000.00 and would need to be contracted with a local
vendor instead of being done by staff.
Ms. Hamilton gave an in-depth update on legislation that Roosevelt County and New Mexico Counties are
watching closely. In speaking with Representative Anderson, she was advised there will be approximately $1.1
million per representative and $2 million per Senator in available Capital Outlay monies as a preliminary estimate.
She stated as of Saturday February 20, 2021 there had been over 450 bills, joint memorial and joint resolutions
introduced in the Senate and more than 400 in the House. The deadline to introduce new legislation has passed.
New Mexico Counties is tracking nearly 300 pieces of legislation. Roosevelt County is tracking fewer, particularly
legislation that would affect law enforcement and capital outlay. Roosevelt County is following HB 268 which
would change some definitions in the Worker’s Compensation Act. Ms. Hamilton encouraged all to read the article
published in the Santa Fe New Mexican regarding the public bank bill. There are numerous cannabis bills
introduced. HB 17 seems to be the most encompassing including a proposed tax structure and has passed its first
committee hearings.
Roosevelt County is watching HB 105 regarding Industrial Revenue Bonds, HB 50 regarding agricultural exposure to
potential litigation, HB 110 which is the minimum wage bill, as well as several road bills.
Commission: Commissioner Dixon stated, she had contacted Rep. Anderson following his vote on the abortion bill
and expressed her opinion as a citizen, and not as a member of the Commission. She was not pleased with his vote
because each of the counties he represents had passed resolutions in opposition of the bill. Rep. Anderson has
since changed his party affiliation from republican to declined to state.
New Business:
A. Request for Approval of the 2021 Special Election Canvass Report: Commissioner Dixon made a motion to go
into Canvass Board with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes. County Clerk Park gave the canvass report stating both school bond questions had
passed. There were 1787 total votes cast, Portales: For – 1176, Against – 461, Floyd: For – 82, Against – 63.
There were 1864 ballots returned, 47 were rejected not signed by the voter. There was an 18.21% voter turnout.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to end Canvass Board with a second by Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes. Commissioner Savage made a
motion to approve the 2021 Special Election Canvass as presented with a second by Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
B. Request for approval of Type 3A Replat of the Farm Town Subdivision Lot 2 and Lot 3: Mr. Montiel stated that
Mr. Schaap had completed all of the required paperwork for the replat. It is in order and has all necessary
signatures. Commissioner Savage made a motion to approve the Type 3A Replat of the Farm Town Subdivision
Lot 2 and Lot 3. Commissioner Grider seconded the motion. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes.
Resolutions – Proclamations – Ordinances:
A. Consideration of Resolution 2021-13 3
rd Quarter Budget Adjustment: Ms. Rivera gave a report and answered
questions on a list of necessary adjustments including expenses related to the hail damage claims, Gross
Receipts Tax, Shared Equalization on Gross Receipts Tax, approved renovations to the Jake Lopez Community
Center, GRT for the Hospital, and fleet replacements for the Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center. Commissioner
Grider made a motion to approve the resolution, with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
B. Consideration of Resolution 2021-14 Authorizing the County to Submit an Application to the Department of
Finance Administration, Local Government Division, to Participate in the Local DWI Grant and Distribution
Program: Ms. Hernandez gave a report on the DWI Grant Program transitioning from the city to the county,
stating she is working closely with the city’s DWI Program coordinator to ensure continuity of the program grant,
which averages $150,000.00 annually. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the resolution, with a
second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner SavageYes.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2021-15 Supporting Senate Bill 174 Relating to Capital Outlay; Providing that
Capital Outlay Funding Requests for Non-Governmental Entity Projects Shall Not Be Accepted Unless the
State, Local Government or Political Subdivision has Accepted the Role of Acting as Fiscal Agent for the
Entity’s Project: Ms. Hamilton explained that the purpose of this legislation is to ensure that the Fiscal Agent is
informed and in communication with the non-governmental entity prior to project approval in order to properly
budget for any approved projects. She also stated that Senator Woods is carrying the bill and it is currently in
Senate Judiciary Committee. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-15 with a second
by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
D. Consideration of Resolution 2021-16 Declaring an Exceptional Drought and Fire Danger Emergency in
Roosevelt County: Commissioner Savage made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-16 as presented, with a
second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner SavageYes.
E. Consideration of Resolution 2021-17 Supporting Legislation Focused on Providing Meaningful Public Safety
Reform; While Opposing Legislation That Would Detrimentally and Disproportionately Impact Roosevelt
County and Rural New Mexico: Ms. Hamilton stated that many of the pieces of legislation that New Mexico
Counties is opposing do not address the root causes of problems the legislation is aimed at solving. Many
legislators who drafted these bills are likely to profit directly from the passage of this legislation. She also stated
the Tort Claims Act already provides a process for litigation for such violations of human rights, use of force, and
public safety. Ms. Hamilton included several bills within the resolution. Commissioner Savage made a motion to
approve Resolution 2021-17 as presented, with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Abstain, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
A. Request for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Finance
Administration/Local Government Division/Driving While Intoxicated Program: Ms. Hamilton stated this MOU
is to facilitate the transition of the DWI Grant Program from the city to the county and is required by the State.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the MOU, with a second from Commissioner Savage.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
B. Request for Approval of Statement of Assurances for the Local DWI Grant and Distribution Program: Ms.
Hamilton stated this Statement of Assurances is a required document to facilitate the transition of the program.
Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the request as presented, with a second by Commissioner
Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes.
C. Request for Approval of Award of ITB 2021-02 Used Tractor for Road Department to Bee Equipment for a 2007
John Deer 8230 totaling $73,500.00: Ms. Rivera stated the ITB process was complete and asked for approval to
award the bid to Bee Equipment. Commissioner Savage made a motion to approve the request as presented,
with a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner
Media Communication: none
Executive Session: no executive session was requested.
Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m.
__________________________ _____________________________
Mandi M. Park Tina Dixon
County Clerk Commission Chair