Tuesday, December 21, 2021
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday December 21, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in
the County Commission Room with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Rodney Savage,
Commissioner Shane Lee, Commissioner Tina Dixon, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Randy
Knudson (via zoom), County Clerk Mandi Park, Deputy Clerk Silke Humpe, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Former
Detention Administrator Justin Porter, Interim Detention Administrator Shayla Ramsey, Lt. Javier Sanchez, Sheriff
Malin Parker, Deputy Chris Brunsen, Sgt. Mark Morrison, Chief Deputy Assessor Stevin Floyd, Assessor George
Beggs, Special Projects Coordinator Carol Acosta-Flores, Financial Specialist Liliana Rivera, Human Resources
Coordinator Shawn Andrus, Administrative Assistant Catherine Izaguirre, DWI Coordinator Darla Reed, GIS
Technician Johnny Montiel, Redistricting Specialist Brad Morrison (via Zoom), County Extension Agent Patrick
Kircher, and community members Angie Smith, Lloyd McCargish, Susan Morrison, and Jessica Brunsen.
Commissioner Lopez was absent.

Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – Amber Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Lee

1.Approval of Agenda:
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Dixon.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

2.Approval of Minutes:
A motion to approve the minutes from the December 7 2021 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Dixon
with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

3.Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll:
Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the accounts payable and payroll for November 1 – November 30,
2021, with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

4.Public Requests:
Sheriff Parker stated the Sheriff’s Office pay plan has remained frozen for the last 2 years. He stated he lost one
certified officer position 7 years ago and it has not been replaced. He stated his staff are not paid at a rate
competitive with other agencies. He stated incentives should be available to all. Deputy Brunsen spoke in favor
of incentives for all and asked to be treated equal to other departments. Sgt. Morrison spoke in favor of
incentives for all, stating deputies are often in close contact with others, often without the opportunity to mask
up or put on the appropriate PPE to protect themselves prior to close contact. Lt. Sanchez stated he would like
to see the Sheriff’s Pay Plan be put back in place. He would also like to see stipends/incentives for all.

5.Informational Items: Bi-Annual update form the Roosevelt County Extension Office: Patrick Kircher provided the
commission with a handout, outlining the activities and accomplishments of the Extension Office over the past
six months. Mr. Kircher stated the livestock judging team had participated in state competition, placing first and
earning a spot in the national competition. The four competitors representing Roosevelt County and the state of
New Mexico in Kansas City placed 10th nationally. Mr. Kircher stated they have offered workshops including
CEU’s available for agricultural chemical application. He also stated the extension clubs are active even without a
home economist currently on staff. He stated Ms. Carol Calderon has held several ICAN nutrition education
classes reaching 2400 children. Ms. Calderon also offered a diabetic cooking school that was well attended.

6. Elected Officials and Department Heads Reports:
Treasurer: Ms. Sanchez stated the October general fund beginning cash was $2,391,089.79 with debits of
$336951.26, credits of $418,839.86 and an ending balance of $2,309,201.19. She stated there were some
technical issues in transitioning to the hosted environment and apologized for the delay in providing the October
December 21, 2021 report. She stated collections have been strong. She reminded everyone that the first half of tax payments are due now. First half payments will become delinquent after January 10, 2022 and will incur penalties at that time.

Indigent Healthcare: Ms. Acosta-Flores asked the commission to go into Indigent Meeting at 9:14 am.
Commissioner Lee made a motion to go into indigent meeting with a second by Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
Ms. Acosta-Flores reported there had been fifteen total claims received, totaling $18,749.91. Four of those
claims were not recommended for approval because one was in custody of the Portales Police Department and
the other three were received past timely filing. Eleven claims totaling $16,682.16 were recommended for
approval. Commissioner Lee made a motion to come out of indigent meeting at 9:16 am with a second by
Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Lee-Yes. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the indigent claims in the amount of
$16,682.16 as presented, with a second by Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner SavageYes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

Floodplain: Mr. Montiel stated today was the final day of the 90-day comment period on the FEMA floodplain
map revisions. Comments have been submitted to FEMA. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the 30-day review,
followed by a 6-month period for review of ordinances.

Roads: Ms. Hamilton reported on behalf of Mr. Lovato, stating crews are continually fighting tumbleweeds.
Overtime has been authorized for the road department to clear tumbleweeds that have created road hazards.
They are focusing on school bus routes and areas of fully blocked access. She also stated they issued press
releases cautioning drivers not to try to drive through tumbleweeds blocking roads. The dry tumbleweeds
present a fire danger. Commissioner Savage stated he had driven lots of the roads in his district in preparation
for today’s planning workshop. He commended the road department for an excellent job in doing all they can to
keep roads safe and in good repair.

Commissioners: There were no updates from Commissioners.

7.Old Business:
A. Commissioners Annual Report of Detention Center Inspection on December 7, 2021: Commissioner
Savage stated this was his first walk through of the facility and he was immediately impressed with the
cleanliness. He was not aware of just how big the facility is, or the capacity it could hold. He was also impressed
with the level of responsibility of the employees from the bottom to the top. Employees must remain aware
and alert at all times. Mr. Savage was pleased with the continuing education and employability skills offered to
detainees that may help them be better prepared and productive citizens once released. He was pleased with
the strict PPE and covid safe protocols followed by both staff and detainees. Commissioner Dixon added she
was surprised and pleased by the level of mutual respect between officers and detainees. She commended Mr.
Porter and Ms. Ramsey on the level of professionalism and stated incentives are necessary to retain those welltrained staff members and to maintain the mutual respect. Ms. Dixon stated those present at the annual
inspection of the detention center were herself, Commissioner Savage, Commissioner Lopez, Ms. Hamilton, Mr.
Porter and Ms. Ramsey.

8. Resolution – Ordinances – Proclamations:
A. Consideration of Resolution 2021-49 Hiring and Retention Incentive Program for the Roosevelt County
Detention Center: Commission Savage stated this resolution cleans up the language in Resolution 2021-48
which was passed at the previous meeting, to better convey the intent of the commission in the requested
changes. Commissioner Grider made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-49 with a second by Commissioner
Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
B. Consideration of Resolution 2021-50 declaring a Fire Danger in Roosevelt County: Commissioner Lee
stated there are many sides to this issue. He has had calls both in favor and against putting a burn ban in place.
Commissioner Savage agreed, stating there is a lot of dry fuel out there, but people also need to be able to burn
off tumbleweeds and other fuel loads in a controlled burn in order to protect their property and homes from
wildfire. Commissioners asked about the liabilities associated with not enacting a burn ban. Mr. Knudson stated
the county would not be liable for making an informed decision about the fire danger. Commissioner Grider
reminded residents to burn responsibly, choose a day with no wind, keep it under control and have a water
source ready. No action was taken on proposed Resolution 2021-50. December 21, 2021

C. Consideration of Resolution 2021-51 Establishing a Cost-of-Living Increase for County Employees: Ms.
Hamilton stated this would be a permanent adjustment to the base pay. She stated it would have a budget
impact of approximately $92,000.00 in FY22. She stated inflation is currently at 6.8% and everyone is feeling it,
from the gas pump to the grocery store. Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-51, with
a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner DixonYes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

D. Consideration of Resolution 2021-52 Authorizing Roosevelt County to Pick-up 16.86 Percent of the
PERA Municipal Police Plan 5 Member Contributions: Ms. Hamilton clarified “irrevocable” means the
contribution level does not ever go backward.. This resolution would allow the county to absorb a bigger piece
of the employee contribution. Ms. Hamilton stated the total impact to the budget for both the Municipal Police
and the Municipal General contributions would be an approximate increase of $55,000.00 if approved.
Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-52, with a second by Commissioner Lee.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

E. Consideration of Resolution 2021-53 Authorizing Roosevelt County to Pick-up 48.36 Percent of the PERA
Municipal General Plan 2 Member Contributions: Ms. Hamilton stated though the numbers look very different,
this percentage is comparable to the increase approved for Law Enforcement. Both increases are equal to 3
percent increase in the County contribution on behalf of the employees. Ms. Hamilton also stated the younger
work force is less motivated by retirement contributions and would prefer to take home a greater portion of
their pay. Commissioner Savage made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-53, with a second by
Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Lee-Yes.

F. Consideration of Resolution 2021-54 2nd Quarter Budget Adjustment for Financial Reports: Ms. Rivera
asked for approval of the budget adjustment as presented. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve
Resolution 2021-54, with a second by Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

G. Consideration of Resolution 2021-55 Modifying the Roosevelt County Annual Training Policy: Mr.
Andrus stated the requirements of the policy remain the same. The changes are to the timeline and monitoring
to ensure that training is continual and not compacted into the end of the year. It also provides for an
abbreviated training schedule for those new employees hired late in the calendar year. Commissioner Lee
made a motion to table Resolution 2021-55 until the next meeting, with a second by Commissioner Dixon.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

H. Consideration of Resolution 2021-56 Extending the Roosevelt County Premium Pay Stipend for Hourly
Detention Security Personnel Whom Have Worked Their Assigned Shifts During the Ongoing Covid-19
Pandemic: Ms. Ramsey asked that resolution be approved continuing the stipend through June 30, 2022,
stating detention staff are at elevated risk of exposure. They are constantly required to wear PPE for the
entirety of their shifts, and are continually screened. Commissioner Savage would like to see the stipend
extended bilaterally to all law enforcement. Commissioner Dixon asked the Sheriff’s Office and other
departments to bring their own resolution or recommendation and justification for premium pay for their
departments. She commended Mr. Porter for bringing this resolution early on in the pandemic on behalf of
detention staff. Mr. Porter stated continuing the premium pay stipend is essential in retaining the staff they
have, because just 20 miles down the road they are trying to recruit Roosevelt County Detention Staff with
higher wages. After much discussion, Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-56, with a
second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner DixonYes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

Public Hearing: Redistricting
Commissioner Lee made a motion to go into public hearing at 10:24 a.m. with a second by Commissioner Dixon.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
Commissioner Dixon asked if there was anyone present who would like to speak in favor of or against any of
the proposed redistricting plans. Ms. Park asked the commission if they would like for Mr. Morrison to present
the maps and plans as presented at the last meeting. The commission did not feel it was necessary to see the
presentation again. Commissioner Dixon stated she did not like plan C, Commissioners Lee and Savage agreed.
Commissioner Dixon stated she favors plan B, which would bring the district 1 border north into the county,
December 21, 2021 giving District 1 some county roads. Commissioner Grider stated he is in favor of Plan A, he does not want people who he has represented in district 5 pulled into district 1. Commissioner Lee made a motion to come out of public hearing at 10:27 a.m. with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

I. Consideration of Resolution 2021-57 Establishing Roosevelt County Districts based upon the 2020
Federal Census: Ms. Park thanked Mr. Morrison for his work on the proposed maps and plans. Commissioner
Grider made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-57, choosing Plan A as presented to establish commission
district boundaries, with a second by Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes. Plan A, including the maps and census data, was attached to
and became part of Resolution 2021-57 upon adoption.

9.Procurements – Contracts – Agreements:
A. Request for Approval of Agreement with NM DFA LGD DWI Grant Program Grant Agreement
Amendment No. 1: Ms. Reed stated amendment number 1 adds back $18,000.00 in unspent funds left in last
years grant due to travel restrictions during that grant cycle. Ms. Reed gave an overview of what that money
would be used for during this grant cycle if approved and asked for the approval of the amendment.
Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the amendment to the grant agreement as requested, with a
second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Lee-Yes.

B. Request for Approval of Change Order # 3 for the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds Storm Water Drainage
Project for $-10,926.00 with K. Barnett Y Sons, Inc.: Ms. Rivera asked for approval of the change order.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the change order as presented, with a second from
Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Lee-Yes.

C. Request for Approval for Substantial Completion Documentation for the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds
Storm Water Drainage Project: Ms. Rivera stated the substantial completion documents are required
paperwork and asked for approval of the documentation. Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the
documentation with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

D. Request for Ratification of Utilization of CES Contract # 18-020B-C103-ALL to purchase a Caterpillar
938M Loader for $225,316.00: Ms. Hamilton stated this Caterpillar was ordered prior to the price increases and
is due for delivery very soon. She asked for ratification of the use of the contract. Commissioner Grider made a
motion to ratify the use of the contract for the purchase, with a second by Commissioner Lee. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

E. Request for Approval of First Amendment to State General Fund Cooperative Agreement with NM
Department of Transportation for Sundale Valley Road and North Roosevelt Road AV: Ms. Hamilton stated
this amendment is for an extension of 90 days to work out the issues relating to the easement for the fencing.
The extension would be from December 31, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Commissioner Grider made a motion to
approve the amendment to the cooperative agreement, with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

10.Executive Session: Commissioner Dixon made a motion to go into executive session at 10:39 a.m. stating only
the items listed on the agenda would be discussed in the executive session. A second on the motion was made
by commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Lee-Yes. After a short break, the executive session began at 10:44 a.m. Commissioner Lee made a
motion to come out of executive session at 11:31 a.m. with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes. Commissioner Dixon
stated only those items listed on the agenda were discussed in executive session and no action was taken in the
executive session. Commissioner Dixon stated action was necessary as a result of the executive session and
made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-58, with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner GriderYes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes. Resolution 2021-58 is titled:
Resolution 2021-58 Authorizing Roosevelt County to Enter Into Settlement Agreements with McKesson
Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., Amerisource Bergen Corporation, to Resolve the County’s Pending Litigation
December 21, 2021 consolidated and currently pending in the Northern District of Ohio, In re: Opioid Litigation MDL 2804 and Authorizing the County Manager to Execute on Behalf of the County All Documents Necessary or Proper to
Effectuate the County’s Participation in the Settlement Agreements.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve Property Damage Release for the Roosevelt County Health Clinic
with CAN for $61,471.11, with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

Commissioner Savage made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-59, with a second by Commissioner Lee.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
Resolution 2021-59 is titled: Resolution 2021-59 Authorizing Roosevelt County to Enter Into Settlement
Agreements with Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ortho McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., and Janssen Pharmaceutica, Inc. to Resolve the County’s Pending Litigation consolidated and currently
pending in the Northern District of Ohio, In re: Opioid Litigation MDL 2804 and Authorizing the County Manager
to Execute on Behalf of the County All Documents Necessary or Proper to Effectuate the County’s Participation
in the Settlement Agreements.

11.Media Communication: There were no members of the media present at the meeting, but Ms. Hamilton stated
only one clarifying questions was asked and she had answered it.

12.Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 11:36 a.m.