Monday, March 9, 2020 County Commission Room Roosevelt County Courthouse Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Monday, March 9, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commission Room in the Roosevelt County Courthouse with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, Commissioner Lewis Shane Lee, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Randy Knudson, County Services Specialist Silke Humpe, County Clerk Stephanie Hicks, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato, RCDC Administrator Justin Porter, Deputy City Clerk Veda Urioste, Portales City Clerk Joan Martinez-Terry, Amanda Mapp, Dora City Clerk Becky Fraze, Elida City Clerk Kim Summers, Floyd City Clerk Toni Whitecotton, RCCDC Director Bill Hendrickson, Isaac Montellano, and Eastern New Mexico News Staff Writer Mathew Brock. Absent was Commissioner Matthew Hunton.

Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:01 a.m. Invocation – County Manager Hamilton Pledge – Commissioner Dixon

Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve minutes of the February 18th, 2020 special meeting and the February 25, 2020 regular meeting with amendment to include County Manager Hamilton in the employee recognition ceremony was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Approval of Accounts Payable/Payroll: Motion to approve accounts payable and payroll March 1-31, 2020 was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Public Requests: Mr. Montellano made the Commission aware of veteran’s benefits regarding mental health. He quoted statistics including limited facilities availability.

Elected Officials/Department Heads Report: Detention: Facility count is 53 (41 males and 12 females) with 14 being from out of county, 88 bookings and 94 releases for the month of February 2020, and $30,607.50 total billed. There are 2 Officers/Cadets in academy training with 2 completing background checks. His department is getting ready for more upcoming trainings, driver safety, PREA and CIT training. Administrator Porter stated the Detention Center hosted a Narcan/Naloxone overdose and instructor training. Commissioner Lopez suggested that the public should be offered such training as well.

Road: Road Superintendent Lovato reported his department is working on building roads and doing routine maintenance. He had a meeting with Xcel to address certain issues and is working on the next fiscal year budget.
Manager: Manager Hamilton reported that a budget workshop will be held on March 24th on capital outlay. She will meet with State Representative Torres-Small’s staff to assist us with grants that are available. She also stated the county is working out the details, with guidance from ENMU, to stream the Commission meetings. The county is working on having an emergency action plan in place regarding the COVID-19 issue. Resources regarding the virus are being put together such as hospitals and providers. Press release from NMDOT stated Roosevelt County will be getting several roads repaired: NM 88, 206, 202, 267 and 236.
Commissioners: Commissioner Lopez reported that a meeting with the DOT is being held on March 19th. He is not going to be there but asked if someone would attend and speak on the county’s behalf to get the roadwork started. County Manager Hamilton stated that the NM DOT will be chip sealing NM 88 from mile post 1.2 to 21, NM 206 between Portales and Dora, NM 202 from the intersection to the state line, NM 267 and NM 236.

New Business: Recess – Board of Commission: 9:20 a.m.

Board of Canvass: Motion to convene Board of Canvass was made at 9:21 a.m. by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

A. Canvass Board for the 2020 Municipal Officer Election: a. Portales: 329 ballots were cast which is 5.3% of registered voters. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

b. Causey: 13 ballots were cast which is 26% of registered voters. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
March 9, 2020

c. Dora: 16 ballots were cast which is 15.68% of registered voters. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes. d. Elida: 25 ballots were cast which is 20% of registered voters. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes. e. Floyd: 12 ballots were cast which is 18.46% of registered voters. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Adjourn Board of Canvass: 9:29 a.m. Reconvene – Board of Commission: Motion to reconvene Board of Commission was made at 9:29 a.m. by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
B. Request for Authorization to Re-Establish Bank Account Specific to the Community Development Block Grant Program: Treasurer Sanchez told the commission it was to be a new account not re-establish an old one. Motion to approve the request with amendment to Establish Bank Account Specific to the Community Development Block Grant Program was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
C. Request for modification to Detention Center Organizational Chart to Convert Two Part-Time Positions to One Full-Time Position for the Office Assistant: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Grider with a second by Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes
D. Request for Approval of Arch Volunteer Firefighters Annual PERA Reporting: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
E. Request for Approval of Milnesand Volunteer Firefighter Annual PERA Reporting: Motion to approve made by Commissioner Lee with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
F. Request for Approval of Disposal by Public Auction of one 2005 Ford and one 2006 Ford from the Road Department: Motion to approve was made Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations: A. Consideration of Resolution 2020-09 Adoption of Required Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Certifications and Commitments: Motion to approve resolution 2020-09 was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-yes.

Contracts –Agreements – Procurements: A. Request for Approval to issue and RFP for Architecture/Engineering Professional Services for the Roosevelt County Courthouse: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
B. Request for Award of RFP 2020-07 to Operate and Manage the Building known as the “Bonem Home” with Mental Health Resource, Inc.: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
C. Request for Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement First Amendment with NM Department of Finance and Administration for Census 2020: was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Media Communication: None

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.


__________________________ _____________________________ Stephanie Hicks Matthew Hunton County Clerk Commission Chairman