1. Remind us why you wanted to run for office?

I feel that I can apply the skills I have acquired in my careers to guide in helping Portale thrive. I am a lifetime resident and I own a business and rental property in this community. I feel that our city needs to be more pro-business. I want to make sure this community will continue to grow for decades to come.


  1. What is your first order of business?

Our community needs to know that the council is doing everything possible to make sure that we have water and that we are not going to run out of this vital resource. 


  1. If you had to list your top five priorities in order of importance – What would they be?
    • Continue to try to find a solution to our water shortage issues.
    • Making sure that the affluent water system is being utilized to full extent possible.
    • Help in any way possible to repair the relationship with the county commission and the water co-op.
    • Make sure the city finances are being used in the most efficient way possible.
    • Do anything I can to make sure the community feels the council is transparent and communicates with them.


  1. What do you hope to accomplish during your term?

My hope is that I would have served the community to the best of my ability, and it is thriving and working as one for the betterment of all residents of Portales and Roosevelt County.


  1. What do you think will be the most challenging part of the office?

Trying to make change takes time and I feel the community desires immediate results.


  1. What do you think will be the most fun?

I look forward to getting to know the people of our community better and working with the others on the council.