interview by Wendel Sloan

Q. What is your official title?

Director of Campus Life 

Q. When did you begin working at ENMU?

January 4, 2016

Q. What are the main duties of your job?

Working collaboratively with faculty and staff to create experiences for students that will enhance their learning and compliment their academic success at the university.

Q. What have you enjoyed most about your job, and what have been the biggest challenges?

Meeting the students, faculty and staff members. Here at ENMU everyone is so nice, polite and helpful.

Challenges? “CHANGE” However, without challenges there is no progress. Therefore, challenge is always great in order to prove to oneself and others that are observing that I am capable of overcoming or simply find solutions to a problem which would improve my problem solving skills and without the challenges this would be impossible to accomplish.

Q. What were you doing before you came to ENMU, and what other jobs have you held?

Director of Campus Life and Leadership at East Central University

Q. What are your degrees and majors, and what activities did you participate in college?

M.S. Higher Education Administration

B.S. Criminal Justice and Sociology/Minor Psychology

• I played on the basketball team

• Joined a Fraternity – Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

• Organization and Club Member

• Director of the Student Programming Broad

• Student Government President

Q. Where were you born, raised, and what was your life like growing up?

• Born in Buffalo, NY / raised in White Plains, NY

• My mother raised four of us all on her own, two sisters: Taronda Piphels and Dawn Wilson and my brother: Alan Davis.

• My mother works in the medical field; we also owned multiple food businesses throughout the city of Buffalo.

Q. Tell us about your own family?

My daughter, Jenessa Williams, age 22, attends Penn State University majoring in business and my son, Donte Williams, age 20, recently graduated from high school.

Q. What are your hobbies?

• Working out

• Playing Basketball

• Listening to Music

• Participating in Community Service work

Q. What is your ultimate career goal?

My long-term career goal is to become known as a Student Affairs practitioner and to have earned a respectable management position as a Dean of Students with responsibility for a major part and assuming greater responsibility in the area of Student Affairs.