Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024

Two Paid Family & Medical Leave Bills set for House hearings
Two bills HB6 and HB11 aimed at creating a paid family and medical leave act will be heard Wednesday in the House Health & Human Services Committee. HB6 is very close to the same bill that was narrowly killed in its final House committee last year. It would set up to 12 week paid leave for medical, family and other reasons. The plan would be paid for by withholding $5 of every $1,000 earned from employees and $4 from employers with more than five employees. HB11 drops the maximum leave to 6 weeks and restricts the reasons greatly compared to HB6. It also doesn’t allow the time to be stacked on top of workers comp or unemployment claims.

The New Mexico Chamber and other business groups are urging business to urge lawmakers to oppose HB6 and support HB11. Our preference would be to have neither one pass but based on last year the smart bet may be to get behind HB11. Both unfairly put extra burden on lawmakers.

Governor/Legislative LFC release budget proposals
HB177 did what little in Santa Fe has done lately, unite both parties. The NM Match Fund would be created if the bill passes. It proposes investing $100 in a fund that would be used to match federal funds for projects in both local and state governments. Often projects qualify for federal aid but don’t get done for lack of matching funds that may go unapproved during a legislative session. This would make those funds more immediately available and avoid leaving money on the table. Sen. Pat Woods was a co-sponsor of the bill. The bill passed the House Rural Development, Land Grants and Cultural Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

Bipartisan support found with so-called Match Bill
The Governor’s Strategic Water Supply initiative, which seeks a mouth-dropping $500 million plan that would reclaim brackish that sits below much of New Mexico and produced water from oil and gas production opened to protests from environmental groups and little support from even her own party. Charges have been leveled by the enviros that the plan is a benefit to the oil and gas industry and the Governor is just accounting for money donated to her campaign by Big Oil. Nevertheless the state’s Environment Secretary told lawmakers the department has proceeded with the plan by advertising for Request For Information from those interested in the plan. Water is a big need for our part of eastern New Mexico but this bill doesn’t have anything for us. It may be beneficial to the oil patch, however.
Chamber releases 2024 Legislative Priorities
Please take a look at the Legislative Priorities document approved by the Chamber Board earlier today. Download that document at the link below. It can be printed two-sided on a letter sheet and folded in half for ease of distribution.

2024 Legislative Priorities