Like a bad penny that keeps showing up, a 2025 version of Paid Family Medical Leave is back and cleared the House Health and Human Services Committee on Monday. It now heads to the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee. The bill would create a state-operated program run by the Department of Workforce Solutions that would allow workers to take up to 12 weeks of leave with a percentage of their regular pay to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill family member, prepare for a spouses military deployment or to protect themselves in cases of potential domestic violence. The program would be funded by adding payroll taxes with the employee paying $5 for every $1,000 earned and the employer kicking in $4. Very little has changed from last year’s version that came out of the Senate and was killed on the House floor by a two vote margin. Businesses and Chambers of Commerce have argued that adding payroll taxes to an employee’s check in hard times isn’t always what the worker wants to see as they struggle to pay the rent. Business owners also say they are going through tight times as well. They have also argued that finding and training temporary workers is also tough to do. Opponents also argue whether or not the program would remain solvent after some studies showed there would eventually be problems. |