The Lady Rams traveled to Carlsbad on Saturday, April 24, 2021 for a basketball game against the Cavegirls. The game started at 6 PM.

Portales started off slowly, allowing Carlsbad to take an early lead and by the end of the first quarter, the Lady Rams were down 15-9.

With around 100 fans in attendance, the two teams went into the second period with only a few points added on. At the halftime buzzer, Carlsbad was still ahead but only narrowly. The score was 17-15.

After half, Carlsbad took an early run against Portales that were unanswered, but about halfway through the 3rd period, the Lady Rams cleared the deficit again to only 2-points. At the end of 3, Carlsbad was only ahead 29-27.

In the final period, the two teams tacked on point after point, matching each other all the way to the final buzzer, when Portales made a final 2-point field goal to tie the game, sending the girls into overtime.

With fire behind them, the Lady Rams began taking over the scoreboard. Carlsbad attempted to match Portales’ score, but after a hard fought overtime, the Lady Rams came out on top! The final score was 48-44, giving Portales another win this season.

The Lady Rams are now 7-1 this season. Their next scheduled game is in Artesia against the Lady Bulldogs on Tuesday, April 27 at 7 PM.