The Highest Way
The importance of seeking counsel aligned with God’s ways, as underscored in Proverbs 11:14 KJV, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety,” stands in stark contrast to the temporary nature of ungodly counsel. Counsel that aligns with God’s ways, deriving from the Word of God and a commitment to living by divine principles, offers guidance far surpassing the immediate solutions of worldly advice. It emphasizes virtues such as compassion, integrity, and humility, guiding individuals to consider decisions not just in their immediate context but in their spiritual and moral implications as well. Such counsel ensures that choices are beneficial for both short-term practicality and long-term spiritual growth.

In contrast, ungodly counsel, often anti-God and temporary, tends to overlook these spiritual and moral considerations. Focused on instant gratification, personal success, or gain, it promotes values and actions at odds with God’s ways. This type of advice, anchored in the ever-changing norms of society and human reasoning, may offer quick fixes or short-lived satisfaction, but lacks the enduring value and depth found in guidance based on the Word of God. It risks leading individuals away from a path of righteousness and spiritual development, encouraging decisions that favor self-interest and material gains over spiritual well-being and moral integrity.

This distinction between counsel that aligns with God’s ways and ungodly counsel emphasizes the need for discernment in choosing our sources of guidance. As Proverbs 11:14 KJV suggests, safety and stability lie in the counsel of many, but it is imperative that such counsel is in harmony with God’s ways and teachings. Seeking counsel that resonates with the Word of God enables individuals to make decisions that are wise not just in a worldly sense but in harmony with their spiritual values. This approach ensures a balanced life journey, effectively merging practical needs with spiritual aspirations, leading to not only worldly success but also a spiritually fulfilling and enriching life.

Just a thought,


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