Humble Yourself

Humility is a life extender:
1.    Have a healthy perspective — This can help you face difficult truths about weaknesses in your life, identify and build on strengths, and force growth and change.
2.    Understand Who really did it — James 1:17a: Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father.
3.    Mention others often — If life is about us only, it becomes very self-serving. We need to serve others.
4.    Invest in others — When you help others, God will help you.
5.    Love makes you relevant — Always put the word of God first.
6.    Integrity is the key — Keep your word.
7.    Take your eyes off the scoreboard — Keep serving, no matter what.
8.    Yield to the Holy Spirit — He is our teacher; He leads and guides us; He comforts us; He knows exactly what we should do.

Let’s all work on yielding and obeying God and His word. He gives grace to the humble.

Just a thought,