Salt and Light
The Bible teaches us that living a good and pure life isn’t just about avoiding bad things: it’s also about doing good things like showing love, being patient, being kind, and staying strong and calm, even when things are hard. This idea comes from a part of the Bible, Galatians 5:22-23, that lists these good things. Jesus also talked about this when he said that the people who keep their hearts pure will be able to see God. This means that what we think, say, and do should be good and pure.

In the Bible, Jesus also talks about his followers being the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” This means that Christians should live good and pure lives themselves and also help make the world a better place. Being the “salt of the earth” means keeping the good things about God’s world alive and making life better for others. Being the “light of the world” means helping others see the good in the world and showing them the way to God. By doing this, Christians can help make things better, even when there’s a lot of bad stuff happening.

But, the Bible also tells us that it’s not always easy to live a good and pure life, especially when there are a lot of bad things happening around us. It can be hard to do the right thing when other people are doing the wrong thing. But the good news is that the Bible says God will always be there to help us. There’s a part in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 10:13, that says God won’t let us face anything we can’t handle. And in another part, Philippians 4:13, it says we can do anything with the help of Jesus. So, even though it can be tough to live a good and pure life, we’re not alone. God is always there to help us.

Just a thought,