The demands from our dedicated nursing staff in this area, serving the community with health care while dealing with COVID-19, has taken its toll. Our hospitals are filled with such heroes; who have worked tirelessly to minister to their patients. We want to thank them, encourage them, and let them know they are appreciated.
The Ministerial Alliances from both Roosevelt and Curry Counties are taking donations to provide the nurses at Roosevelt General Hospital and Plains Regional Medical Center with “goodie bags” of items purchased with your donations. Care will be taken to include things such as gift cards for coffee and meals, snack items, notes of encouragement (Would you write one?), uplifting cards, etc., to let them see how important they are to our communities.
Will you donate? Please make checks out to RCMA; and put Nurse Fund on the memo line. Donate by September 18 to bring a smile to the faces of some overworked and weary health professionals! A DONATION BOX IS ALSO AT PORTALES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.