It is not the time –

I am so proud of the people of Roosevelt County!  Hestand’s Floral shut down but that does not keep Rose down, she has made beautiful floral arrangements for the Nursing Home and delivered to them for their Easter. We have been told that it is not safe for us to meet together at Church so we have Churches conducting services on line and Franklin and Marea doing bible readings, singing hymns and leading us in prayer every morning on Facebook.  Twice a day Phoebe Privett is posting a prayer on Facebook and inviting us to join her.   My bible study group is meeting for a lunch bible study via zoom.  I love going to Church but I know that that building does not contain my God, the hearts of the people do and we will continue to worship him wherever we are.

Beverly Bennett, Judy Clark, Darla Reed and Jacqueline Grider among countless other women are sewing up face masks to give away just as fast as they can.  I have heard people in the past saying how bad Facebook is and yet look at our God using it to spread hope and cheer through his people.  I have heard of people offering to grocery shop for our senior citizens, offers to mow lawns or run errands if needed.  There is so much good going on right now and we are blessed to be able to share it with each other through our phones and Facebook.  And by the way, Thank you to Yucca for keeping us with amazing internet so we can stay connected in so many different ways.

There are some good things that are coming out of this shelter in place – to start with we have shelter, we have taken some time to do some things around our house, plant gardens, read a book, enjoy the company of who we live with, and go for  walks outdoors.  When we are out walking we are often greeted by messages of hope painted with chalk on the sidewalks in our neighborhoods. We have food and some of us have a life time supply of toilet paper (you know who you are) most of us have way more supplies than we will ever need!   I will be so ready for our small business to open back up, my heart hurts for them.  I have a friend who says, ” What is essential? For those people that their business IS their source of income, it is essential to them”.   Our restaurants are offering curbside service and delivery, many of our business are offering to meet you one on one if there is anything you need. They are doing their best to still serve the community in any way they can.  When this is over, lets remember to shop local!

We are adapting and doing our best to stay healthy and more important to avoid making others who might be more vulnerable sick.  We are doing our best in this small community to help flatten that curve (whatever that means) and we are doing a great job of it.  It has been four weeks now – and it is not the time to lose our tempers, or be short with our neighbors, or tell someone else how they should be shopping, or bump them with our shopping cart, everyone is getting tired and we are starting wear a bit thin, but we can do this.  It is not the time to weaken!  We are better than that.  We know how to stay 6 feet away, we know how to take care of our elderly, we know how to plant gardens, we know how to smile in the face of adversity!  We do not need the Governor telling us what to do – we heard the problem and we will find solutions that work for our town.

There are so many people that are helping others that I do not know about, so If you know of someone who is going above and beyond to help, feel free to give them a shout out on our Facebook page   If you know of someone who needs help, send us a message to;