Provided by Women’s Medical Center December 2019 Newsletter

With the holiday season upon us, stress seems to be more widespread than usual. Expenses are higher, schedules are busier, and life just can become overwhelming. In the midst of the crazy, you may need some stress management. Here is a list of ways to reduce stress this time of year:

  • Take a Time-Out
    Taking even 10 minutes to sit quietly and shut out the chaos around you can trigger your relaxation response.
  • Regain a Sense of Control
    Schedule no more than one or two manageable goals per day, even if they’re as simple as writing a few cards or cleaning a small section of a room.

  • Sniff Some Citrus
    Researchers studying depression have found that citrus fragrances boost feelings of well-being and alleviate stress
  • Do Something for Others
    Share a meal with someone who doesn’t have family in the area, or consider visiting or volunteering at a nursing home
  • Visualize a Special Place
    Close your eyes and imagine yourself relaxing on the beach or sitting in front of a cozy fireplace with your family
  • Forget Perfection
    The world is not going to end if the house is a little cluttered or dinner is on the table a few minutes late.
  • Take Time for Yourself
    Try massage, a hot bath, mini-relaxations, or a quick walk to ease tension. Be sure you’re eating right, sleeping well and laughing often.

For more ideas, check out this article from Harvard with 6 relaxation techniques.

And here is a three hour video of relaxing music for stress relief, meditation, yoga, and sleep. Listen when you need some soothing calm in your life.