Most likely there are people around you who are going through difficult times. They need encouragement, support, love, and compassion. Here’s the good news: you can offer consolation in real and tangible ways. The story of Elijah teaches us how to do this. It’s the account of Elijah the prophet, describing a time when he battled depression and desperation, and how the Lord intervened.

  1. Meet basic needs.

The Story: Elijah was like us. He went through emotional ups and downs. One of his greatest downs came after being used by God in a supernatural way to defeat the prophets of Baal (see 1 Kings 18:1-40). After Jezebel threatened his life, Elijah went a day’s journey into the desert and sat down under a broom tree to die. In 1 Kings 19:4, he said: “I have had enough! LORD, take my life, for I’m no better than my fathers.” Elijah fell asleep, and the next thing he knew, an angel of the Lord woke him up, gave him baked bread, and supplied him with water. Twice as Elijah slept, the angel encouraged Elijah in this manner.

The Lesson: From this scenario, we learn the importance of caring for the physical needs of those around us. Sometimes, if we’re not sure how to help, a good place to start is with bodily provision. When someone is going through a very difficult time, normal sleeping and/or eating patterns can be disrupted. When you notice such changes in someone’s lifestyle, pick him up and take him out to eat, or bring him a hot meal. This may seem like a small gesture, but it goes a long way emotionally as well as physically.

  1. Nurture with gentleness.

The Story: After Elijah had eaten, the angel directed him to Mt. Horeb where God was about to pass by. God could have spoken to him in His power, majesty, or holiness. Instead, God revealed Himself to Elijah through a gentle whisper. Maybe what Elijah needed most was gentle, nurturing encouragement. The prophet didn’t need to experience the power of God again, but a gentle encounter to renew his well-being.

The Lesson: We can nurture and encourage people with God’s wisdom and gentleness. Gentleness builds up and affirms. It does not minimize the situation. Provide a refuge where that person can share his or her feelings with safety and security, not worried about what you might think or say. While listening, be in a continual state of prayer. Scripture is clear about prayer’s healing nature. James 5:15 says, “The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up.” Interestingly, Elijah is mentioned in this passage as not only being a man like us, but one whose prayers were powerful and effective.

  1. Restore hope with a new perspective.

The Story: When Elijah cried out to God, feeling alone and threatened, God gave him a new perspective, reminding him that he was not alone, that there were others to protect and fight alongside him.

The Lesson: Often when a person is hurting, he or she may lose perspective and feel abandoned and hopeless. In those moments, it can be hard to see things from a biblical, encouraging perspective.

It may help to first “earn the right” to speak the promises of God into others’ lives by being there for them, caring for their physical needs, and listening to them. Then gently restore their perspectives, reminding them of God promises to help them find hope and restoration. Become a reminder of the promises of God.

  1. Never Forget: God Is the Healer

The story of Elijah’s encouragement is a testament that despite painful struggles, God heals people, enabling them to move forward with life, and eventually become healthy again. You don’t have to be a professional therapist to meet them at their lowest points. No matter what people are going through, with time and persistence on your part, you can play a significant role by allowing God to use you in their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

(Adapted from