It is officially Fall in Portales when The First United Methodist Church has Turkey Dinner Day.  And what a day it was with 52 Turkeys, 33 roasters full of dressing, 112 gallons of green beans and 300 pumpkin pies. 

It really is the social event of the season!  The food is delicious and the endless glasses of ice tea make for extended visiting with people that you may not have seen since the last Turkey Dinner or you may have seen just yesterday.  Either way the food and conversation were plentiful.

Shelly Atwood coordinates the event after being passed the baton from her Mother, Sharon Cissell.  The t-shirts that were worn by the workers were adorned with a handprint turkey picture and the words ” Many Hands Make Light Work”  the words that Sharon would use to motivate the many volunteers.

Shelly Atwood said “at the end of the day, It is all done and it is amazing what God can do!  So many volunteers all pulling together to feed over 2, 500 people in a day.  When you think about how much work needs to be done, it seems like a impossible task but when God moves people – it all gets done!”  Shelly went on to say how much she appreciates the community support, ” it is really a community event.”
