At the end of the story of David and Goliath, we read, “So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him” (1 Samuel 17:50). In a matter of hours, a shepherd boy armed only with a sling and his faith in God took down a fearsome giant that had been taunting the Israelites for forty days. Your Shepherd, Jesus, will do the same in your life if you allow him (see John 10:11).

In Psalm 23:5, David states of the Lord, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Jesus, your Savior, promises to lead you, guide you, and protect you . . . not in the absence of your foes, but in the very presence of your enemies. As the pressures, the darkness, and the struggles of your giants close in around you, your Shepherd spreads a feast of provision right there in the midst of the battle. He gives you everything you need to not only survive but actually thrive as you navigate the path to freedom.

The Bible states that Jesus is not only your Good Shepherd but also the Lion of Judah (see Revelation 5:5). His roar rules the nations. His voice shatters the enemy. But for a short while, Satan has been allowed to prowl and look for cracks through which he can insert himself into your mind. If you don’t stop him, then he will be the one sitting at the table. And if he’s at your table, then he will work to erode your confidence in God. He will try to tell you that you are all alone in the fight and that you have no chance of seeing your giants fall.

At such times you need to agree with David, who—in spite of witnessing plenty of adversity in his life—could state with confidence, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4). David knew God had everything under control. He recognized during the dark times that God was on his side, walking through the valley with him. You can have that same trust, but only if you refuse to allow the enemy a seat at the table.

This is because if the enemy is at your table, he will try to convince you that you will not make it. He will work to spin your head around and remind you that you’re surrounded and everyone is out to get you. He will tempt you with thoughts that there’s something better at another table and that God is holding out on you. You have to choose instead to believe that your Shepherd promised to lead you through the valley, that he is always with you, that he knows what is best for you, and that you are his beloved child.

So today, take a seat at God’s great table. Sit down, be still, and just enjoy the presence of your heavenly Father. Go to him whenever you are weary and heavy-laden, for he has promised to give you rest (see Matthew 11:28). Focus less on the enemies who are surrounding you and more on the fact that he is there with you. Move forward into the victory that he has for you—and watch as one by one all the giants in your life fall.


What barriers keep you from moving forward into victory? How do you look at Jesus’ place in your battles?

How has Satan attempted to work his way into your heart and your thinking? How does this affect your view of your circumstances?

How has Jesus provided for you during difficult struggles? How can keeping your focus on Jesus help you overcome the giants surrounding you?

Click here to learn more about the book Goliath Must Falll: Winning The Battle Against Your Giants by Louie Giglio.