by Marissa Armas

The New Mexico Department of Health has confirmed the first three cases of the flu in the state, and doctors are urging people to get their flu shots early, rather than later.

“I think the earlier the better, because then you’re protected,” said Susan Walter, who was getting vaccinated at Walgreens. “You’re not going to worry about it, if you wait, you might wait too long and next thing you know you got the flu.

Last year there were 284 deaths related to influenza in the state. Doctors said the exact timing and duration of the flu season changes every year– so it’s better to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

“People need to get their flu shot right now,” KOAT’s Dr. Barry Ramo said. “ We don’t know how effective it will be against the virus, but we do know that if you get the flu shot, even if you get infected the severity of the illness will be much less.”

Dr. Ramo said getting a flu shot isn’t just helpful for the patient, but for everyone around them.

“The reason you should get the vaccination is because it’s a good public service, you’re protecting not only yourself, but you’re also protecting people who can’t protect themselves,” said Dr. Ramo.

While it’s unclear what type of flu we’ll see this year, Dr. Ramo said the genetics of the virus change every year, so either way it’s best to get vaccinated now.

“We know last year was a bad year, so assume that this year is going to be a bad year,” Ramo said.

According to the health department, flu activity will start to heighten in October. Officials recommended that everyone six months and older get a flu shot every year.

One just doesn’t know when we’re going to get hit in the city with a flu strain or strains and the earlier the better,” said Walter.

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Check out Our Walmart for your flu shot Click Here