Fair Up-Date by Leslie Creighton

Ribbons are on display with prize winning exhibits in the Home Arts Building at the Fair. Best of Show Honors include a wide variety of items including quilts, an airplane planter box, photos, a ring and many more beautifully handcrafted items. I was asked by long-time volunteer Diane Lieb to help arrange the best of show items and I’ll tell you for sure that all of the Fair VOLUNTEERS deserve a huge thank you and pat on the back for the many hours of service they put in to taking entries, running for ribbons, arranging awards for viewing dusting, vacuuming, and well, the list is endless. The humidity in the air this year made the job a little “sweaty” but fun none-the-less and it was wonderful to see all of the superintendents taking great pride in making sure their booths were just right for the many fair-goers who would be walking the aisles over the next few days.

The pig show saw a large number of first time exhibitors this year and although I didn’t get to see all of the show (on-duty in 4-H concession stand) I was able to watch the Grand Drive where Grand Champion was awarded to Brenna Bates and Reserve Grand to Nealeigh Burrow.

Head to the fair, enjoy the small town atmosphere, take a look at those prize pigs and Best of Show entries, and most importantly, thank a volunteer. The fair wouldn’t be possible without them!