Over the past few years, residents of Portales, Clovis and the surrounding areas have heard about the PFAS (per – and polyfluoroalkyl) contamination that has impacted groundwater on the west side of Clovis, heading towards Portales from Cannon Air Force Base.

After many lengthy discussions, Air Force Officials in Washington have indicated they need community support from area residents for a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB). This is a very important issue, but can’t be remediated without your support and help. The Clean Water Partnership – Cannon needs your help in order to make the biggest impact. Below is a sample of a very simple email that YOU can write to show your support for the start of groundwater clean-up in the area. You are welcome to use the following email or write your own. Emails should be sent to the Cannon Remedial Project Manager at 27SOCES.cannon.rpm@us.af.mil and MUST be sent by April 3, 2021.

Here is the example email:

To whom it may concern:

Please use this email to show my support for a RAB between the US Air Force and area residents. I realize this is the first step to water remediation and I am 100% in favor of doing anything we can to ensure safe drinking water for residents now and in the future. Thank you very much. I appreciate your help.


[Your Name]

[Your phone number & address]

The community MUST do its part to show desire for the US Air Force to take action! All correspondences must be emailed to Cannon by April 3, 2021. The Clean Water Partnership – Cannon thanks you for your help in supporting this important cause!